First Day of School...

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"Oh my darlings." Holly gushed. Lottie was stood with a hand on her hip and a raised eyebrow. "Mom!! I'm gonna be late." She scoffed. "Hardly darling. Chris is outside waiting in the car." Johnny smirked before ruffling her hair, Lottie was a feisty 11 year old who was about to embark on middle school, her younger sister Pippa was about to start her last year in Junior school, and their baby brother Teddy was on his first day of school, ever. "Just one more..." Holly said from her knees in the hallway of their family home in London where she snapped a photo of the three of them posing in their immaculate uniforms. Johnny helped his wife to her feet and kissed her cheek, he could tell this was a big day for her, they were both emotional with the children growing rapidly.

"Right, come on into the car. We wouldn't want you to be late now would we." Holly said grabbing her jacket and bag. "Lottie just wants to see her boyfriend!!!" Pippa teased making Lottie blush. "Shut up!!!" The elder sister said shoving her sister out the front door making Johnny roll his eyes. "Sometimes 6 hours isn't enough is it?" He said shrugging on a jacket and smirking at Sean who was lent against the large SUV awaiting to take the Depp clan on the school run. A tradition that on the first day of every school year, the family took part in as a whole. Lily Rose and Jack however were both in Paris at a family obligation with Vanessa and couldn't make it, so after a long emotional FaceTime call earlier that morning the two elder siblings sent their younger siblings on their way with many well wishes.

"Pop pop." Teddy said from the middle seat in between his two parents. "Yes my boy." Johnny asked proudly. "Will everyone know you at school?" Johnny took a deep breath. He hated how his children felt odd and different, especially after all the hard work Holly put in to helping them feel like they fitted in. "Umm possibly, but I'm not the one going to big school am I? You are!!" Teddy nodded before turning to his mother. "And will my friends be there?" "Of course darling, remember we spoke about it. Billy and Evie from nursery are going to your school so you will know people." "Daaaaaad. Mum said I can't go to fashion week with LilyPop. Tell her I can... please!!!!" Lottie announced from the back rear seat. Holly's eyebrows raised. "Damn right I said no. You can't miss school. Besides it's next month, you'd have only been there a few weeks, what would the teachers think." "But..." "No buts. What your mother says goes." Johnny said rubbing his chin ignoring the smirks coming from Sean and Chris his security staff in the front of the car.

"Mrs Depp. How wonderful to see you again." Teddy's teacher greeted the mother warmly at the classroom door. "Ah Ted, remember Mrs Green? She's going to be your teacher." Holly said bending down in her elegant dress and heels. The boy grabbed hold of his mother and wrapped his arms round her neck. "I'm scared." "Don't be scared sweetie, it's ok. Everyone is a little nervous on their first day." Mrs Green said ruffling the boy's head. "Ah Mr Depp. So glad you could join us today." The teacher said straightening up and shaking the father's hand. "Yes sorry I missed the taster day before summer, I had some reshoots I couldn't get out of." "Don't be silly, I think your wife had it covered." The teacher said sweetly. "What's up son?" Johnny said bending down to his distraught youngest who was clinging to his mother. "I don't wanna go." Teddy said almost in tears. Both the parents knew this would be the hardest goodbye, he had been the baby of the family for so long. It was only natural he wasn't keen on leaving them but Holly stroked his hair comfortingly and whispered to him before he launched himself at his father. "Perhaps Teddy, you'd like to show your Daddy to your desk? Remember which one it is from before summer? If you've forgotten it's ok, it's got your name on it.." Mrs Green said before greeting other parents. Johnny nodded excitedly to his boy "I would love that. Can you show me?" Teddy nodded wiping his nose with his sleeve and taking his father's hand securely before slowly leading him over to a desk in the corner that had his name tag on it. "And I know you know how to read.. we've read lots of books on vacation haven't we?" Johnny said bending down once more. "What does that say bud?" He said pointing to the name tag. "Teddy Depp." The boy said proudly making his father smile. "That's you." Johnny said kissing his head and helping the boy into his chair. "Mummy and I will be waiting at 3pm to hear all about your day ok?" Johnny said before ruffling his son's hair one last time and leaving him with his classmates. "Love you Pop!!" He called out when Johnny was half way across the classroom. "I love you too son." Johnny said proudly making some of the other parents stop and smile.

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