Part- 56

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Hello Everyone💖
What's up! Tell me how's everyone doing?

Happy Reading💖
Hoke tetho duur mein
Khoya apne aap nu

Happy Reading💖---------------------------------------Hoke tetho duur meinKhoya apne aap nu---------------------------------------

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“I will, doctor

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“I will, doctor. I will take care of it.” I nodded as the doctor explained the precautions that needed to be taken for Bronnie.

The doctor left, and I walked up to the cabin's door. I peeped inside the room and saw Abhishek sitting on a stool with his head in Bronnie's arm.

I don't know what I will do. I don't know how I will manage everything like this. Today was the day when I felt like I lost my Bronnie and it just happened because his anxiety was triggered.

This is why I didn't want Bronnie to meet him in the first place and now when things will be tough.

I have to make sure that he leaves because he cannot just come whenever he wants and destroy our lives. It is difficult for me, too. I have to pretend in front of him, which I cannot.

My heart drops every time I see him and I get weak which I can't afford. It takes every fibre in my body not to break melt in front of him in his arms and I can't let that happen.

He has been my strength once in my life and now him being my weakness I can't just let it overpower me.

I brushed a tear off my face and pushed the door open. Both heads snapped in my direction. I looked at Bronnie and moved towards him.

“You ready to go home.” I cooed as I petted him and he licked my face. He is my peace now, I can't let anyone play with us now. I won't let it happen.

The cologne beside me intrigued me well but I was too in control to not watch him and I kept my gaze locked on Bronnie.

“All the medications and other stuff have already reached your apartment.” I did not care to answer and stood to hold Bronnie. He can talk to the walls because I was not a bit interested in talking to him.

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