CHAPTER TEN: Trying Something New

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"You can, you should and if you're brave enough to start, you will

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"You can, you should and if you're brave enough to start, you will."

Stephen King—

CHAPTER TEN: Trying Something New

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CHAPTER TEN: Trying Something New.

CHAPTER TEN: Trying Something New

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FEBRUARY arrived and dragged on slowly, a cycle of frost to rain and rain to frost. The sun took its annual month vacation behind the clouds as late winter set in and probably wouldn't return till early March. Spring was anticipated with great joy by the people of Forks, the hope that slightly warmer days were to come and that everyone's summer clothes gathering dust in the back of wardrobes would get some use. People needed something to be excited about when it rain ninety percent of the year.

Astrid's days stayed somewhat the same, school then home, a dinner here, a breakfast there, mostly unchanged from previous months. However, this February did herald something different. A change that Astrid would have never expected for herself in years before. This February contained Jasper Hale. This February Astrid Hill tried something new.

It began the first week of February, the day after the biology field trip and their first History together since the accident.


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