Nineteen: Rehearsals

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The next day I went to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test. I didn't wanna take this. Hell I haven't even had any symptoms that would point to pregnancy.

I packed my suitcase, Drake would be coming the day before the wedding since he wasn't helping a hectic bride pull off her dream wedding day. Early Tuesday morning I got in my car and drove to my dad's house.

I got to their house and Nancy greeted me with a hug, she was  up earlier then my dad of course. With only  4  days until the wedding it didn't surprise me if she hadn't slept in days.

She kept asking me about details for the wedding. I called the caterer while she called the florists, for two days it was a run over with ever little detail. Day three we had rehearsals.

On the Bridal party there was the maid of honor, Alexis,(Nancy's best friend since like kindergarten); then the bride's maids were: Me, Gretchen (her sister), Lexi (her niece), and Sarah (my dad's baby sister).

On the Groom's side there was the best man, Jake, (My dad's father); the groom's men were: Ray and Christopher (Nancy's sons), Roy, (his best friend), and Able( his uncle).

I had to walk  with Able. Able was a nice guy, he as about 40 and had almost black hair with a little bit of gray.

"So are you excited about them getting married?" Ray asked me while we waited for the rehearsal to start. He was gonna walk down the isle with Sarah.

"Yeah. I've just met my dad but I'm happy that he has a woman to keep a hold of him," I joked.

"She's happy with him. Very happy. Oh I think it's almost time." The flower girls started down the isle, then Jake and Alexis, Christopher and Gretchen, Roy and Lexi, then finally Able and I walked. We stood watching as Nancy walked down the isle at the side of her father. My  stomach started turning and I felt a strong wave of nausea. I swallowed hard ignoring it.

She made it to where my dad waited. It took a few minuets for them to run through the vows with the priest.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I bolted out of the room and ran down the halls searching for the women's bathroom, unable to find it in time I ran into the men's. I got on my knees and lost all of what I've ate today. It wasn't much to throw up all I had as some toast with grape jelly, a few glasses of water, and a chicken salad.  Nancy came in and held my hair back.

"Are you ok Danny?"

I stopped throwing up and strangely I felt better, kinda hungry actually.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just got  a little sick I guess," I went wash my hands and Nancy looked at me, still looking unconvinced.

The wedding was tomrrow and I would pull through this.. I would do this for my dad and Nancy. They deserve the most perfect wedding ever.

Those two are perfect for each other and I would do anything it takes to make sure their wedding was perfect. 

That night at dinner I could see it. The way my dad looked at Nancy made me see that he really was in love with her. He  hung on to every word she said, he smiled when ever she would do the slightest things. Not always a full blown smile but a little smirk to himself. Like when she would move a piece of hair out of her face he would smile a tiny little smile to himself. She said something and he gave her his undivided attention.. Even when she talked to me he would glance up from his plate to look at her while she talked.

The feelings were odviously returned. When he would get a little bit of the spegetti on his face she would reach over with her napkin and clean it off for him. She kept looking over at him making sure he had enough to drink or eat, atleast that's how it appeared. No matter who she talked to her eyes would always wander to his face. When her eyes met his they would look at eachother for a split second and then look away. They seemed to share so much in that split second.

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