Twenty-Eight: Nancy

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Danny's POV*

I woke up to cold; Ethan wasn’t in the bed anymore.  I groggily went to the kitchen where he was making breakfast for us.  Olivia was coming pick me up in an hour; we were going shopping for the baby shower.  The shower was planned for next weekend.


"Where is she?"  I heard Olivia ask Ethan.

"In the bathroom.  I think she's doing her hair"

"Come on!"  She said when she walked into the bathroom.

"Where is Jayden?"  I asked.

”Jacob is watching him.  Now quit stalling and come on!"

She practically pulled me to the car where Nancy was waiting in the passenger seat.  We took off towards the nearest part store.

"Have y'all decided on the names for your girls?"  Nancy asked excitedly.

"Yeah...  Jessica Anne and Sophia Grace,"

"Aww!  That sounds so sweet, and very girly!"  Olivia said.

"Yep, how many people are supposed to be at this shower?"  I asked when we got into the store.

"Almost 50 I think." Nancy answered.


"Yea.  Your family, Ethan's, some of Nancy's, out friends."  Olivia said and started looking at the pink decorations. 

We picked out party games, napkins, balloons, and so much more.  I didn’t know how much a baby shower needed.  "Let's go to J.J's."  Olivia suggested.

"That sounds really good," I said eagerly.

We drove to the little pizzeria down the street.  We sat at the table and I ordered a slice of pepperoni and banana pepper pizza.  We waited for the pizza to come out and I checked my phone for the hundredth time today.  Out the corner of my eye, I saw Olivia nudge Nancy and look at my hand that now held the engagement ring.  The waiter came and gave us out pizza right before one of them finally spoke up.

"Danny what's that?"  Olivia asked and eyed the ring.

"Oh..  Um..  Ethan sorta proposed last night," I said and burnt my tongue on the pizza.

Nancy's eyes got huge and Olivia dropped her pizza back on the plate.  "What?"  They asked in unison.

"He asked me to marry him last night,"

"A little more detail?"  Nancy asked.  I swear she's like a teenager.

"He wanted to go out but I said that I'd rather stay home and watch the Harry Potter movies I borrowed from my dad," I stopped to take a bite of pizza.

"Nerd!"  Olivia laughed.

I ignored her and continued.  "I was crying after they killed Dobby and he laughed at me then kissed me and told me to stay right where I was.  He kissed me, called me beautiful, and said he doesn’t want to live without me ever.  He took my hand slipped the ring on and asked me to marry him.  I was almost crying when I told him yes.  I thought I was going to jump out of my skin.  Then the girls were kicking like crazy and it was just perfect."

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!"  Olivia said.

"How did my dad propose?"

"He got me to this baseball game, which I normally hated, and he had my kids there too.  I was suspicious all day.  Then he made sure they pointed the big screen thing at us and he got down on one knee and asked me.  I kissed him and I think everyone in the ball park cheered as if their favorite team got a home run.  We were engaged almost a full year before we finally got married."

I paid for our lunch and we left.

"When are you and Ethan gonna get married?"  Olivia asked.

"I'd prefer after I lose the bump!" I laghed and put my hand on my belly. 

"Yeah. I think it would be easier to find a fitting dress after the girls are born." Nancy aggreed.

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