Twenty-three: Doctor (short chapter!)

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I drive down the winding roads to my dad and Nancy's house to drop Annie off.  I have to tell my dad and Nancy they are going to be grandparents.

"Hey dad," I said when he opened the door.

"Hey.  Come on in kid,"

I got into the house and Nancy was in the kitchen.  "Can I talk to y'all?"  I asked and sat on the couch.

They came and sat across from me.  "What's wrong?"  Nancy asked.

"Nothing is wrong but something major happened."  I smiled at them before continuing.  "Y'all are gonna be grandparents."

Nancy's eyes got big and my dad's face got red.  "What are you gonna do?"  Nancy asked.

"Keep him," I answered automatically.

 "Well we'll do anything we can to help."  My dad said.

"Thank you guys.  I actually need to leave.  My first ultrasound is   in a little bit and I need to fill out paperwork and stuff.  Thanks I love y'all."  I kissed and hugged them goodbye.  It was supposed to be a week after I dropped Annie off but they wanted to stay an extra week.  I got to Dr.  Jones' office just in time to make my appointment.

I filled out the paperwork and got called back by a nurse dressed in magenta scrubs.  "Hop up on the scale here," I put my purse down and took off my sandals.  "100 pounds even," She said and wrote down on my chart.  I gained 4 pounds already.  Great.  I normally don't get out of the 90's.

She put me in a room that had a little screen and a bed thingy.  I lay down on the bed thingy and waited for the doctor to come in. "Hello Danielle," She greeted me.


"So you just found out you were pregnant when?"

"Three weeks ago"

"Okay.  And you're 16?"


"Alright, we are gonna do an ultrasound to detect the fetal heartbeat and see your baby."

I lay down and she moved my shirt up.  She squirted some really cold stuff on my belly.  She moved the probeish thing on my stomach I looked at the screen.

I saw him.  I saw my little baby boy.  "The heart beat is actually good, it's about 150."

"How big is he?"

"Well you're only about 8 weeks pregnant so we can't tell if it's a boy or girl yet, but it's about half an inch or the size of a raspberry."

My face lit up in a smile.  It is my baby.  His little heart was beating in me.  Dr. Jones went over my pregnancy and prescribed prenatal vitamins.

I walked out of the doctor's office still smiling to myself.  I got home, ran to the bedroom, and jumped on the bed.  Drake was attempting to sleep but I was too excited to sit still!  "I got the pictures of the baby!"  I laughed when he grabbed my waist to make me stop bouncing.

"Let me see then!"  I showed him the pictures and he smiled. 

 "Is it a boy or girl?"  He asked.

I’m going to go buy him some fathering books.  Maybe something along the lines of "Parenting for Dummies" that would fit.

"I don't know yet, it's too early."

We stayed up almost all night talking about the baby.

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