Thrity-One: 3 months old.

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I heard a cry come from the nursery,  I crawled out of the bed to go see who it was. 

Jessica was sound asleep. For now.  Sophia was hungry, I fed her quick enough where she fell asleep immediately.  Thankfully Jessica stayed asleep. 

They haven't gotten to the point where they sleep through the night, but I'd be grateful when they did.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was back to sleep.  Next time Ethan could get up.  I usually got up with the girls because Ethan has work, but today was Friday he had no work tomorrow.

7a.m. I had to wake up, both girls were crying and Ethan seemed like he was gonna pull his hair out.  I'll never understand why he just doesn't just wake me up. 

Ethan held a crying baby Sophia in his arms and bounced her in his arms.  Jessica was in her crib crying.  Out of the two girls  Jessica definitely had the loudest cry,  Sophia didn't cry as much.   I picked up Jessica and went to change her.  I figured out mostly all of their cries, it makes life a little bit easier.  After I changed her she stopped her crying and just wanted to be held. 

Sophia favored Ethan, she was a total daddy's girl. Jessica was calmest with me and she'd stop crying quicker when I held her.  I heard a quick knock on the door and went to answer it.  My jaw dropped when I saw Drake standing there. 

He looked like he hadn't slept in days; he had dark bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess, and his clothes were wrinkled.  "Hi Danny," He said, he was either hungover or sleep deprived. 


"Can I come in?"  He asked.

"Yeah,sure." I mumbled and let him in.  He sat on the couch.  "What do you want?"

"To see my daughters,"  He looked at Jessica, who was now asleep in my arms. "Which one is this?"

"First off, they aren't your daughters.  Ethan is the one who gets up in the middle of the night to take care of them not you." I saw that me saying that hurt him.  No matter what he did to me I still couldn't hurt him. "This is Jessica,"

He looked at her and smiled.  "She looks like you.  Where is the other one?" 

"Sophia is in the nursery with Ethan." He stood up and walked towards the back room. I stepped in front of him  "Oh no, no, no!! You are not going back there."

"Why the hell not?"  He said, raising his voice. "She is my daughter."

"No she isn't,"  Ethan walked up behind me.

"What do you want?" Ethan asked.

"To see my daughters."

Ethan glared at Drake.  "Get this clear Drake.  I am their father.  Who kicked Danielle out when she was pregnant?  You.  Who didn't even bother trying to call her to see how she was doing?"  He was getting closer to Drake. "You are not a dad to these girls."  Ethan growled. 

Then it happened.  Drake punched Ethan.  They started fighting.  I went to the nursery to put Jessica down.  Then Sophia started crying for Ethan.  I picked up Sophia and rocked her back to sleep.  I ran back into the living room where the fight was still happening. 

"Stop it!" I yelled.

They ignored me so I yelled again. Drake backed up for a second and Ethan threw him into a wall. "Ethan Michale if you don't stop you can just forget staying here tonight," He stopped fighting and I went to check on Drake. His cheek had a little blood on it and his lip was busted.  I couldn't tell about anyother damages yet.  Ethan looked fine to me. 

"Drake, look at me." I told him. "After the wedding I will humor you with a paternity test. OK?"

He shook his head.  "Forget about it.  In a week I'm leaving for New York.  I just wanted to see my girls, if you ever want me back Danny you have my number. "  He stood up to leave.  I watched cautiously.

Ethan looked at me and laughed.  I looked at him like he was crazy.  "Where you worried?"

"A little bit, yes." 

"No need to worry.  He is gone.  In a week you will be walking down the isle, he will be in New York."

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