Thrity: Time

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My dad parked his truck in the hospital's parking lot, Ethan helped me out.  Jade and Olivia walked behind us. 

"How far along are you?"   A nurse asked me.

"She's 37 weeks."  Ethan answered for me.

"let's get her to her room," 

The got me into a room on the third floor and had me change into a hospital gown.  My doctor came in and looked at me sympathetically. "How are you doing Danny?"

"As good as I can considering I'm being ripped in two."

"Here let me check you out," She said and lifted the blankets,"The nurse said you are four centimeters,"

I felt another contraction and squeezed the hospital bed as she checked me.  "You're  six centimeters.  Do you want an epidural?"

"Hell yes," I said.

"Ok, I'll go get the anesthesiologist."  She left the room and Ethan was by my side again.  Olivia came in with a cup of ice chips for me,  Jade was behind her.

"Thank you," I told her as she gave me the cup.

"Do you need anything else?"  Jade asked.

"Nope.  Luckily the dude is coming in to give me my epidural.  I mean this hurts, big time, but I'll get pain meds soon." I said and forced a smile.

"Danielle Greene?"  A man asked as he came in.


"Alright Miss. Greene, I'll need you to sit up and lean your legs over the bed for me."

I did as he said and he put the needle in my back.  "Now do not touch this area,"  He told me.

I laid back down after he was finished.  I didn't feel any different.  My back felt like it had ten ton bricks pushing on it from the inside. 

Hours passed and there was still no relief.  I thought the stupid epidural was gonna help.  According to my doctors the epidural may not always work.  It only happens in about 5% of cases.  I was part of the lucky 5%.  Great. 

It was already one in the morning and I was dialated 8 centimeters.  My little girls would have their birthday on January 22. 

Ethan, my dad, and Jade were  still here with me.  I told Olivia and Nancy to go home so they could sleep.  Since I didn't know exactly when the girls would make their appearance in the world there was no good reason on my they should be sleep deprived.

My dad was standing in the corner with his arms crossed, Jade was asleep on the couch and Ethan sat by the bed.  He held my hand and kept smiling at me.  He was excited about seeing his daughters.  I was too, but I was in pain.

2 a.m. the doctor came in and checked me.  Time to push. Jade woke up and came to my head, my dad left and Ethan held my hand.

The nurses and my doctor told me when to push. 

It was like being ripped in two.  Over and over. 

"Push one more big push for baby number one."  My doctor instucted.

I pushed as hard as I could and baby one was here. I heard her loud wail.  "It's a girl!"  My doctor annonce and handed the baby to a nurse. 

I now had to push  baby two.  After six pushes and one big one she was here. 

Jessica Anne Ross was born first, she was born at 2:45 a.m.,  and weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces.  She had brown hair, not that much of it, and eyes that were the most beautiful shade of green ever.  Her eyes were very close to Ethan's shade. 

Sophia Grace was born at 3:00a.m.  she weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces.  She was identical to Jessica, except the eyes.  Sophia's eyes were exactly the same as Ethan's.  She  had a rosier tint to her chubby cheeks.

"Perfect" I shispered to my two bundles I held in my arms.

Ethan kissed both of their foreheads and then kissed me.


I managed to sleep after the twins were born, barely an hour before it was time for visitors.

  My grandmother escorted in Natalie and Nathan.  For the first time I saw pure sadness in their faces. 

"What's wrong?"  I asked.

They looked to my grandmother. "Your mom died.  This morning."

I felt the tears run down my face.  Ethan hugged me and I kept crying. 

She died?

I couldn't believe it.

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