Twenty-Seven: Propose {Ethan's POV}

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*Ethan's POV*

Danny's uncles came and stayed in a hotel not too far from our house.  They'd been here about 2 months and retained every bit of optimism they had in the beginning. 

I could see it in Danny's eyes.  She had hope but she also knew that the chances of her mom living were slim.  "Let's go out tonight."  I told her.

"Why?"  She asked.     

"Just go get dressed and take a shower.  You deserve a night out!"

"Fine."  She agreed.  It was strange that she wasn’t arguing with me.  She always argued.  Stubbornness was one of her dominant traits.

I sat on the couch my palms were sweating.  It takes that girl forever to get ready.

  She insisted on doing her hair and makeup.  I constantly told her she looked beautiful without but she refused to believe me.  As I said, she's stubborn. 

She came wobbling into the living room.  She was dressed in her holey sweat pants and one of my oversized t-shirts.  "Can we please stay in tonight?"  She pleaded.  "We can watch a bunch of movies.  I borrowed all the Harry Potter movies from my dad.  He even has the new one I haven't seen.  Please Ethan."  She said as she sat on the couch and batted her eye lashes at me.  She knew I couldn’t say no.

"Sure.  Where are they?" 

"In our room."  She smiled and kissed my cheek.  I moved off the couch and grabbed them off her desk that sat in the corner of the room.  I also grabbed her favorite fuzzy blanket. 

I walked in the living room and she wasn’t there.  "Danny?"

"I'm in the kitchen!  I was craving ice cream!  You want any?"

"Nah.  I'm good,"

She came back in a sat on the couch with her ice cream.  I put the first movie in and draped the blanket on her.  She snuggled up closer to my chest. 

We got to the last movie around midnight.  Oddly, she stayed up until the end.  I put the lights on and saw her eyes all red.  "What's wrong?"

"They killed Dobby!"  She said.

I chuckled to myself.  She was such a little dork, but she was my dork.  "Stay right here,"    I told her and went to our bed room.  I kneeled down beside my side table and pulled out the little black box I had stashed in there a week ago.

She looked at me funny when I got back in the living room.  I could feel that I had a huge smile on my face.  I gently pulled her off the couch and kissed her.  "What's going on?"  She asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Shhh."  I said and kissed her.  I slid down on one knee and took her hand.  "Danielle Marie Greene I love you more then I have ever loved anyone.  I've loved you for years. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever looked at.  Every time we kiss, I have to remind myself to breath.  You literally take my breath away.

  I can't even try to imagine my life without you.  You make me the luckiest and happiest man alive.  Will you marry me?"  I smiled at her. 

She had tears budding at the corners of her stunning blue eyes and her cheeks were a bright rosy pink that made her freckles stand more prominent on her skin. 

"Yes!"  She said and bent down to kiss me.  I stood up and kissed her back.  Her hands moved around my neck and pulled me closer to her again.  I could feel the babies kick in response.

That night I had the best sleep ever.  She slept curled up with her head on my chest.  Even in her sleep, she held a slight smile.

I could tell this was right.  Danny being with me was right.  Us having two beautiful daughters together.  No regrets. 

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