Part 2

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As I walked through the Leaky Cauldron into the back area, memories flooded back to me. How we would all meet with our families in this very spot every summer before term to buy our school supplies. This year would be different. This year would be just the four of us, as the rest of the Weasleys did not feel up to going. It was still a very tough time for them.

I was greeted by a hug from Ginny, Harry and Ron followed suit. Ron and Ginny were only back home a week, and Harry had spent that whole week at the Burrow with Ron and Ginny. Harry and Ginny seemed inseparable. I was happy for them, they deserved to be happy after all they had been through.

"So how are you Hermoine?" Harry asked. "I'm good thanks Harry, and you? How have things been with your Aunt and Uncle?" "Very well actually, they don't make me slave around after them anymore, they call me by my actual name and they even celebrated my birthday with cake and all!" "Wow!" exclaimed Ron. " Somethings shook them!"

After having lunch and a chat for an hour, we decided we should get along into Diagon Alley. Harry needed a new wand after last years antics, so after we collected our money from the newly restored Gringotts, we headed into Ollivanders wand shop. I was excited to go here as Mr Ollivander was finally able to reopen his shop after well over a year!

"Ah there they are!" exclaimed Ollivander. "I am so happy to see you lot in my shop once again, it is because of you that I am here and my shop is operating once more!" "It is not only down to us" Harry replied. "I think you owe it to every single person who fought against that monster, but it is so good to see you too mr Ollivander!"

Once Harry had his new wand we parted ways with Ollivander. We bumped into two members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team just outside Ollivanders and while Harry and the others were talking to them, I decided I would run along into Flourish and Blotts to find some new books for light reading throughout the year. I was searching through a row of books written by Amelia Witherstone, when I heard a familiar voice. I knew the voice straight off and it wasn't one that I was ever fond of. Draco Malfoy.

"Of course you would find Granger here" said Malfoy, "being the bookworm that she is". I wasn't quite sure whether or not I should be insulted. But it being Malfoy, he must have thought that "bookworm" was a bad name in the muggle world. I turned to respond, but I was caught off guard. He wasn't wearing his usual sneer, and he wasn't surrounded by his cronies either. He looked different. Happy even, and almost brighter.

"You do know that being called a bookworm in the muggle world is not  insulting?" Is all I could muster up. He took me by surprise then and replied "I wasn't aiming to insult you Granger, if you must know my family and I have turned over a new leaf, or leaves. All three of us have spent this past summer trying to come to terms with muggles. I must admit it is proving to be a struggle, but it is something I really want to do, to make myself different from what he was like." "By he I assume you mean Voldemort?" I replied. "Yes", he said, "and I want you to know that I am sorry for how I treated you throughout our time at Hogwarts. This past summer has made me feel ashamed of myself".

I was stunned. I didn't know how to reply to that, Malfoy had always been the enemy at Hogwarts, and he had spent most of the time making our lives a nightmare. Still, right now he was apologising to me. I loosened up a little and replied, "Thank you Draco, that means a lot." I know for a fact that I had never called him by his first name before, at least not to his face, he too looked shocked that I had used it.

"Well I really must get back to the others, they will be waiting for me. But it was interesting to bump into you." I said as I started to move towards the cashier desk. He nodded and I went and paid for my books. As I was just leaving the shop, I turned and gave him a small smile, why I did I was unsure, but it felt the right thing to do. I was surprised at how fast this all unfolded. Maybe he really was turning over a new leaf. He seemed like he was desperately trying to make me understand.

He called after me, "Granger, er Hermoine?" "Yes?" I replied. "Do you er, think that maybe everyone else might be able to forgive me? I mean a lot of what happened was my fault. If I hadn't repaired the vanishing cabinet then the death eaters wouldn't have gotten into Hogwarts." "True", I said. "But You didn't kill Dumbledore, neither did they. Snape did, so either way there was no avoiding this. I am very sure that the others will forgive you. You just have to show them that you want to start afresh and that your intentions are good." With that I smiled again, as did he, and I left the building.

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