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"Harry, Ron, Draco and I have something to tell you. I know we haven't always been friends with Draco, and I do remember all the things he has done. But all of that is in the past now. What we want to say is that, well we're dating. We aren't looking for your approval, we just thought it would be better for you both to find out from us, rather than in the corridors at Hogwarts."

I had been practising that speech in the mirror for the past thirty minutes. But knowing me, I was going to be stammering like a blithering idiot when the time came for this little speech.

I was happy about the meet between Draco and my parents, and it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my chest, but I was worried about the next meet, with Harry and Ron. So that night I was restless. Tomorrow was the big reveal. It would either go well, or it would end in disaster. I tried telling myself that the guys practically admitted that they liked Draco, and they would want me to be happy. But it done me no good. So I sat up reading, when I could, and dozing off here and there.

I looked at my alarm clock. It was 8.30. I could hear my parents clattering away downstairs as they prepared breakfast. I stood up, yawned and stretched, and trudged downstairs where there was a welcoming smell of bacon and eggs floating from the kitchen.

"Good morning love. Sleep okay?" asked my mother when I walked in. "Yes." I lied. I didn't want my parents knowing the torment I was going through right now. They would know soon enough if things went badly today. "Hermione, I still can't believe how nice that young man is. I do hope he will come back again soon." said my father. I smiled and nodded before sitting down to my breakfast. Although I was hungry, I wasn't feeling up to eating, just in case my food decided to make a reappearance, so to avoid any questions from my mother, I ate piece of bacon and half a slice of toast.

When I finished, I cleaned my plate off and went back to my room. I wanted to pick out something nice to wear for today, so I went to my wardrobe, to the clothes that I hadn't worn in a while.

I decided on a pair of skinny denim jeans, a long sleeved blue blouse, a pair of black boots with a chunky heel, and my favorite black jacket. I wasn't too dressed up, I was comfortable. I laid my outfit on my bed, and went to shower.

After almost half an hour in the shower, I finally got out and got ready. It was only going on 10, and I was ready to leave. I decided to do a little cleaning on my room. I changed my bed clothes, dusted and hoovered. And it was only 10.20.

"You look lovely dear." said my mother when I went back down to the kitchen. "Thanks mum, I'm meeting Harry, Ginny, Ron and Draco." I replied. "Oh thats lovely. Tell them all I said hello! And please remind them all to visit soon?" she said. "I will." I laughed. My mother had seen each of them only yesterday, and she was keen on having them round already.


I left my house at 10.30, deciding I could pick up a coffee for Draco and I on the way. There was coffee shops in Diagon Alley, but I wanted a normal muggle latte. I paid for the two lattes in the coffee shop over the road from the Leaky Cauldron, casting a spell over them to keep them warm until Draco arrived. Muggle London was packed full of people. The sales had started and so people were already out snapping up what they could. I never really took much interest in shopping, but I did happen to notice that there was a really nice television set on sale for just 150 pounds. I wasn't exactly rich in the muggle world, but I did have quite a bit of savings due to the fact that I was only ever in the muggle world for a few weeks at a time. And I knew how much Draco loved our television set. Maybe it would be nice to surprise him with his very own?

It was only 10.45. I would have plenty of time to run in and buy it and apparate back home, and back here in fifteen minutes. Wouldn't I? Go on, I told myself. So thats what I did, and fifteen minutes later, I was waiting outside Gringotts Wizards Bank for Draco.

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