Authors note.

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**This is not an update.**

Today Potterheads around the globe mourn the loss of one of the greatest icons to have walked the earth.

Alan Rickman portrayed the man we all came to love in the Harry Potter series. Although he acted in more than one film, I know we will always remember him as our Professer Snape, the man who taught us that all is not what it seems. That people can really change for the better and that it is possible to hang on to a love for a person a lifetime, and it will never fade away.

In years to come, when we talk about this man to future generations, and tell them of our deep affection for him, they may say to us: Alan Rickman played Severus Snape in Harry Potter all those years ago, and yet you still remember and cherish those memories of him, after all this time? And we will reply with, Always.

R.I.P Alan, you will be forever missed by more than one fandom.

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