Part 7

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The next day, after a restless night due to torment over the previous day, Ginny and I helped Mrs Weasley to prepare food for tonights dinner with my parents. We were all excited about having them here in this house. Mrs Weasley asked me if I would mind checking around the house to make sure everything was in order, as she had placed a few muggle items that Mr Weasley had attained, to try and make my parents stay comfortable.

As I wandered around the house, I noticed how there were different items that belonged to Fred lying in different places. I assumed this was to make it feel as if he were here with us tonight. The Weasleys had built a memorial for Fred in the back garden. It was quite like the usual kind that muggles would build. It had got a picture of Fred in the middle, which of course moved, and placed all around his picture were things like a broomstick, his first quidditch uniform, his favourite teddy from when he was a child, and many other things that he loved or things that showed what he loved doing. It also had a picture of him with George, as they were a part of each other. Mr Weasley had cast an enchantment around the memorial so that when it rained or snowed or the wind blew, the memorial was protected. Nothing could be removed off of it unless the spell was released.

At 8.30, when the sun was beginning to set, myself, Harry and Mr Weasley set off to collect my parents. We could drive halfway, but eventually we would need to get into the air as it was so far away. At around 9pm, Mr Weasley thought it had gotten dark enough to lift the car into the air without fear of being seen. We floated over London, toward the countryside. It looked so beautiful lit up beneath us. The wizarding world was fascinating and beautiful, but the muggle world was too. Arthur Weasley loved the beautiful muggle world and he was so excited when we arrived at my front gate twenty minutes later.

"Mr and Mrs Granger, so lovely to see you again!" boomed Arthur. "It's lovely to see you too Arthur,"replied my mother, "and thank you so much for your invite, we are very much looking forward to it!" I gave my father and mother a hug when I finally got to see them, and they hugged Harry too. They had heard so much about Harry over the past few years that they felt that they knew him a lot better that they actually did. "Mum, Dad, are you ready to go? Mrs Weasley has dinner prepared and is just waiting on your arrival." "Yes we are pumpkin," replied my mother, "just let me grab my coat."

Ten minutes later we were back in the car in the air. My father was fascinated with the car but my mother wasn't too fond of flying in a car. Though I think she would have preferred this than to apparate. Some time later we arrived back at The Burrow. They both couldn't understand how the house could stand so crooked, but nevertheless they loved it.

While my parents and the Weasleys got settled, I decided to run to my room to grab a change of clothes. When I opened my door and entered my room, I noticed that Cetrez was back, and he had a letter attached to him! I scared the poor owl when I ran at him. I took the letter and opened it. It was from Draco!


I am so grateful to you. And believe me I know it will take quite a lot of convincing to bring the others around and I just want you to know that I agree with you, we should wait until things are settled.

I am going to do my very best to prove to them, and to you that I am trying to redeem myself. And I will answer any questions you may have. I know I seem odd right now. I am being the complete opposite of what I have always been, but you really need to know that I regret everything I have ever done to hurt you and others.

I wish there was a place, or a way for us to meet. I'm not sure if it is possible for you right now, but I don't know if I can wait almost a week. I would like to have your full trust, which I know will probably take you a while, but to know that I can talk to you at Hogwarts would mean a great deal to me.

Thank you so much, Hermione,

Your Admirer

I couldn't help the stupid grin that spread across my face. I was so happy that he had gotten my letter and responded. I hadn't realised that I really wanted a reply until it was here! What was going on in my mind. I wondered would it be possible to meet somewhere?

I really wanted to send him a reply, but I was being called by Ron to come down to dinner. I decided I would write one before bed and send it then. It would give me some time to think and perhaps find out if there was somewhere. I changed into a nice dress, feeling extremely happy and almost skipped down the stairs.

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