Forty Six

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AN: Sorry if this chapter isn't the best. I have been trying to come up with decent questions for the minister to ask Draco to determine whether or not he is going to Azkaban or not. Please bare with me. It's not my best, I am not so great at this type of writing!

Thanks to all my readers <3

"Ready?" asked Ginny, on what could possibly be, the worst day of my life. I nodded, reluctantly. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go. On one hand, I had to be there for Draco, I wanted to stand with him if they'd have let me, of course that was absurd. On the other, I don't think I could make it through sentencing, if it was to go that way. To watch the love of my life be dragged out of the room and be thrown into a cell in Azkaban, or worse.

It's funny how so much had changed in the past year. This time last year I wouldn't have cared if Draco had been blasted away, I hated him. And now the thought of never seeing him again, the thought of him rotting in a cell in Azkaban, it killed me.

"Hermione, are you alright? You look ill." said Harry as we ascended the spiral staircase. "I'm fine, I didn't sleep very well, and when I did, I had nightmares." I replied.

They all looked nervously at each other. Never in a million years, would I, or any of us, have thought that the four of us would be preparing to go to Draco Malfoy's trial, and be on his side. Though they didn't love him as I did, they still loved him very much, as odd as that was to think, and it was just as hard for them as it was for me.

"But, I don't know what I am worrying about, he's going to be fine. He is innocent." I added. "Come on, McGonagall will be waiting."

It was still very early, the rest of the Gryffindor house were still sleeping, and the castle corridors were deserted. We were to meet Professor McGonagall in the Great Hall, there we would have breakfast, and then she would accompany us to Hogsmeade, and the five of us would then floo to the Ministry, via the Hogs Head.

As we reached the bottom the the Grand Staircase, an auror emerged from the dungeons, swiftly followed by a second whom had Draco cuffed to him. It was as if the moment slowed down, and we were in slow motion. My breath caught in my throat as we both locked eyes with each other as he was pulled away. My heart broke, there and then. And he was gone.

"Come on, Hermione. Lets go eat. It's going to be fine." Ginny urged beside me. I complied, but the tiny appetite I did have, had just faded away, and was replaced with nausea.

Nobody ate much, not even Ron and was always hungry. It was now approaching 8am, and McGonagall was striding down along the Great Hall toward us. We stood and greeted her. "Good morning, Professor." we mumbled. "Yes, well, let us hope it is in fact a good morning. Young Draco has already left, we will be allowed to meet with him for five minutes before the trial if we get there quickly enough. So let us get a move on." she replied.


"Thank you, Aberforth. We appreciate you letting us use your fireplace." said McGonagall. "Not to worry, Minerva. Anytime. Do keep me informed about young Draco. I have gotten to know him over the past few months. Very bright young man." replied Aberforth. "Of course. Well, we must be off. We will be back after the trial." Aberforth nodded, and McGonagall stepped into the fireplace. "MINISTRY OF MAGIC!" she cried, and soon she was engulfed in the green flames.

The Ministry was buzzing. People were excited about the trial, it was disgusting. McGonagall approached a wizard who seemed to be waiting for us. "Good morning, Stefan." McGonagall knew this man. He was a tall, well built wizard. He was young, no more than 34, with dark brown wavy hair.

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