Part 35

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The next morning I awoke at 7am. We were leaving for London at 8.30. After I showered and ate breakfast, I helped my parents load all the Christmas presents into the car, along with their suitcases. Once everything was ready, I decided to write Draco a reply.

Dearest Draco,

I know how you feel, I was just thinking as I was watching television last night, how weird it feels to do normal things. I mean outside of school things. Without the watchful eyes of professors and Filch.

I can't imagine how things must be at your house, I wish you and your mother could join us. I really do. I just hope you know that I am thinking about you, always.

And yes, I do know what you mean. As much as I love having a break from school, I wouldn't mind being in our little place, with you. I too eagerly await the 27th. And I really am looking forward to the next time we walk in the corridors together. That is assuming things go well with the boys. But still, I am not letting anybody tell us we cannot be together.

I have filled Ginny in. She is happy that we have decided to fill the gaps for Harry and Ron. She doesn't think that they will take it badly, she thinks they will be fine. So the plan is, you will meet my parents on the 2nd of January. We will be home that evening and I have told them that someone will be joining us for dinner that night. Then on the 3rd, we will meet with Harry, Ron and Ginny in the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.

I know that seems like a while away, but I want us to tell mum and dad together, it would be little bit odd you turning up at the Weasley's when they don't know you. But hey, today is Christmas Eve, so its only a few days away. That is of course if you can make those days? Please let me know.

Okay, well I have to go, mum and dad are calling for me to leave. I'll be at the Burrow from this evening, so send your reply there.

I love you.

Love always,

Hermione x

I sent the letter off with Draco's owl. I had let it sleep in my room for the night as I knew I would be needing him for the morning. I then went and joined mum and dad in the car, and we set off for the Leaky Cauldron.


We arrived at the Leaky Cauldron at 10am. It wasn't too far of a journey, but we had stopped to pick up a few things to bring with us.

Molly and Arthur Weasley were there to greet us, Ron and Ginny had gone to meet Harry, and the rest of the Weasley's had to work today in order to get the next few days off.

"The others will be along in a few minutes, dear. Just gone to meet Harry, he was just getting off of a bus somewhere up the street." said Mrs Weasley to me. "Okay, well I think I might just go wait outside for them, let you four catch up." Mrs Weasley smiled and nodded. The two sets of parents got along very well. We were all like a great big family now.

I stepped outside the Leaky Cauldron, and immediately spotted Harry, Ron and Ginny. Ron was fascinated by all the vehicles that were driving around. He had seen them before, but it was always somewhat of a shock to him.

When Ginny spotted me, she ran and hugged me. "Hi guys" "Hey Hermione!" they chorused back. "So how was the night at your aunt and uncles Harry?" I asked him. "Not too bad, they are getting better at controlling their tempers towards me. They even gave me this!" he replied holding up a £50 note. "Wow, I'm really happy for you Harry. I'm glad they saw their faults and are trying to make it up to you." The others nodded in agreement. "I am too. I mean I have never been a huge fan of them, but when I was younger, I always wanted to be closer to them, to have a family. Especially since Petunia knew so much about my mother, and a bit about my father. They have promised to fill me in a little bit when I go back this summer." Ginny hugged him. "You deserve it Harry."

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