Part 31

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November seemed to fly by. Draco was in a brilliant mood ever since his little chat with Harry and Ron. The three actually acknowledged each other in the Great Hall, classes and around the castle. I was extremely happy with them all, and the thoughts of telling them the real truth wasn't so daunting.

It felt like we had only gone back to classes when the teachers started talking about Christmas exams and how they were only just two weeks away. I was studying harder than I had this year so far. I knew once Christmas came the year would fly, so I really wanted to get a head start. I had been sitting at the Gryffindor table when I decided to get up and go to the library. It was only 4pm so that would give me enough time to study. "Where are you going Hermione?" Ginny asked. "Library, I need to get out a few books, these exams are going to be tough and I want to be prepared." "Alright, well see you in the common room later then!" she replied. I started to make my way down the Great Hall when I noticed Draco looking at me, and then quickly follow me.

"Hermione!" he called when we were in the Great Hall. "Hey Draco, what are you doing for the evening?" I asked him. We had spent a great deal of time together over the past few weeks, we were stronger and sometimes inseparable. "Well, I've got nothing to do." he said with a cheeky smile. I laughed. "I'm sure there is something you can be studying? Draco I told you that one of the conditions of me doing this was that you would keep up your studies!" "I do study, but, I like being with you more. How about we go the room of requirement?" he asked. I sighed, I would only love to just drop everything, but I couldn't, these exams weren't going to pass themselves. "I wish I could Draco, but I really need to get to the library. You can join me if you want?" I replied to him, hoping he would accept. He laughed. "Me? The library? I don't think I have ever stepped foot in the library! No way!" This made me angry. He wasn't taking things seriously, didn't he care what happened after Hogwarts? And he was trying to get me to go running around with him rather than study. "Fine." And I stormed off to the library leaving him behind, stunned.

I don't think I had ever gotten mad at him, well, not since we had become friends, and then more than friends. I wanted to run back down and apologize straight away, but I knew I wouldn't. He needed to see that this was important to me. I put my bag on the table I had found in a corner, the library was actually empty, probably because most were at dinner, but I wanted a secluded area where I wouldn't be distracted, and began unpacking my books and parchment. I decided to block all thoughts of Draco from my head for the next few hours. I began to answer questions that I had gotten Professor Slughorn to write for me so that I could practice.

After about an hour, when I had the questions finished, I decided to go in search of a book. It was for charms, this year was quite a bit different from the previous years, and there were some charms even I wasn't too sure about. When I returned to my table, Draco was sitting there. He looked up when he saw me standing there.

"I'm sorry, Hermione. I was just messing around, I've just missed you the past few days. You've been studying non stop and I was just worried that you were getting bored of me. Or that perhaps I had done something bad?" he said. I sighed, I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. "Draco, I'm not getting bored of you. And no you haven't done anything bad. I just really need to pass these exams! So do you. We've only got a few months until the final exams and then we're done here. We both need this." "I know, I've just got a lot on my mind right now, I was hoping I could talk to you sometime soon about it." I looked at him. "Has something happened?" I was worried, his father still seemed to have quite a bit of influence over him. He looked up. "My father, there are questions surrounding him during these past couple of months. Not everyone is believing him. They want to take him in for questioning at the Ministry, like a hearing. I'm worried that he might be tried for his actions during the time when Voldemort was in power. And if he is, then I will be." A ball formed in my stomach. "Why would they try you? I mean you were forced into being a death eater, they won't hold that against you?" "But that's the thing Hermione, whether I was forced or not, I was still a death eater. They aren't so forgiving." He replied with a frown. Students started filing into the library. I lowered my voice, "Draco, they aren't going to send you to prison. You don't even know if he is being tried yet, don't be worrying, I'll be here whenever you need." He smiled a little at me. "Thanks Hermione, I couldn't get through anything without you!" We were well hidden in the little corner, so as quick as he could, he was up and planting a kiss firmly on my lips. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked before he left. "Yes, of course." I smiled back at him.

I wanted him to stay, but he was flustered and I knew he would only wind up getting angry with someone, and that someone could wind up being me. I didn't want that, so I decided t stay and continue studying.

After another two hours in the library, I decided to head back to the common room. As I walked through the room, Harry and Ron emerged from the staircase leading to the boys dormitories. "Hey Hermione, can we talk to you for a moment?" asked Harry. "Yes, of course." "Uh, well, we were thinking of going to Hogsmeade this weekend, getting a few drinks in the Hogshead. We were going to see if a few people wanted to join us, and um well Malfoy too? We both think its time to get it over with, you try get along with him?" said Harry. I smiled, this is exactly what Draco would need right now. "Well, sure, I will ask him. I'm sure he'd love to. Is it just a guy thing? Or is it for everyone?" They looked at one another, "Everyone I guess. The more the merrier right? Right well, we are off to Quidditch practice see you in an hour!" I waved goodbye to them, extremely excited about this weekend.

I headed up to the dormitory to see if Ginny was there. She wasn't. The Patil twins were doing each others hair. "Have either of you seen Ginny?" I asked them. "Yes, Hagrid asked her if she and Neville would give him a hand, they are down by the green houses, not exactly sure what they are doing though." Padma replied. "Okay, thanks." I replied walking back out the door.

I decided I might as well try find Draco, to let him know about our change of plans this weekend. I knew the place he would most likely be right now was the Slytherin common room. Of course, I would have no way in, you weren't allowed in the other house common rooms, only your own. I decided to hang around the dungeons, surely there was someone I could ask if he was in there? I was waiting for about ten minutes, when a 5th year boy came out of the portrait hole. "Um, excuse me!" I called after the boy. He turned around and looked at me, a look of surprise on his face. "I, I was just wondering if Draco Malfoy was in the common room?" He stood there for a moment, a look of confusion on his face before replying, "Yeah he's in there." And walked off. So I knew he was in there, how I would get to him was the next task.

After another ten minutes, I heard a loud voice. A voice I had grown to hate over my years at Hogwarts. Pansy Parkinson came around the corner, with her arm linked with Blaise Zabini's. I assumed he was her new guy these days. She stopped suddenly when she saw me. "What are you doing here? mudblood." She always made me so angry, she was the only person that made me want to punch her when I saw her pug's face! I made up an excuse, I didn't want her knowing I was looking for Draco or she wouldn't even mention my name when she went in. Luckily Slughorn's office had been moved down here, so I was just inches from his door. Though I knew he wasn't in. "I am waiting to see Professor Slughorn." I replied nodding to his door. She snorted. "Enjoy mudblood!" she snickered all the way to the portrait that lead into the Slytherin common room.

A few minutes later, I heard the portrait open once again. Finally Draco emerged and almost ran to me. "What is it? Is something wrong?" "Calm down Draco! Nothing is wrong!" I laughed. "Parkinson came in talking about how you were waiting outside Slughorn's office. Making stupid things up to go with it, she said you were shaking and on the verge of tears." He replied. I balled my fists up at my side, I really hated that girl. At least Draco heard I was out here. "Well, I am perfectly fine. I just came to tell you that there is a slight change in plans for this weekend." His face fell slightly. "What's the change?" "Harry and Ron want you to join us all for drinks in the Hogs Head on Saturday. They approached me when I got back to Gryffindor. So I told them that I would ask you first." I said grinning. He smiled. "That is perfect! I seriously love you Hermione!" he kissed me quickly. "I love you too." I smiled back at him, feeling my love for him actually swell inside me. "We should be getting back to our common rooms. I'll see you tomorrow?" He nodded at me. I kissed him this time and headed back to the Gryffindor common room as he headed back to Slytherin common room.

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