Part 6

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After dinner that evening, I asked Harry to meet me in my room. I wanted to give him the owl I got him. When he arrived he knocked on my door. "Come in!" " Hey Hermione, whats up?" he asked. "Well I wanted to give you your birthday present. Now I know it's not the same, and that you have been avoiding it, but I thought this might come in handy for you this year?" And I presented the owl to him.

"Wow, Hermione, thank you. He's beautiful." I could see that this brought back memories of his last owl, Hedwig,  so I quickly added, "It's not going to replace Hedwig Harry, but he will be some company for you when you need it. Plus, the school owls aren't always the most reliable!" He turned and put the cage down on the desk and hugged me. "Thanks Hermione, it means a lot." "Your welcome Harry." I replied. "I know he won't replace Hedwig, but I guess we all need to move on from the past. Not that we can forget people, or things we lost. But we should at least try to start afresh."

After thanking me again he left the room with the owl he decided to call Cetrez. He had me thinking about what he just said. How we all need to try and start afresh. Maybe it could be possible to put things with Draco behind us all.

I decided to have an early night. I was shattered after todays shenanigans, so I changed into my pajamas and got into bed with one of my new books. But I was distracted, I was reading but I wasn't taking in what was written in the book. But yet again, I found I was thinking about everything from the day I'd just had. Could I really help Draco? Could Harry and Ron put the past behind? They didn't have to be best friends with him, but if Draco and I did have something, they would need to be able to accept it.

After my little chat with Harry it made me realise that we did need to change things. So as it was still early,  I decided I would write a letter to Draco;


I hope this reaches you without any difficulties and I hope you know who it is, I didn't want anybody to find out until we can figure everything out. Especially not Harry or Ron, they mean too much to me to let them find out off of somebody else.

It's not going to be an easy task, but I think I do want to help you. It would benefit the majority of us if we could all put the petty things behind us. I will try to get around Harry and Ron, but you will have to work at it too. I can't set everything straight if you can't be bothered helping.

We will also have a lot to talk about. I have my own questions that I need answered before this goes any further.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know all of this. I need you to promise me that you will have patience. It will take time.

It would be nice if you could reply.

Your Newly Found Friend

It took me quite a while to find the right wording. I didn't want to bossy or too eager, but I wanted him to know that I needed answers. I also wanted him to know that nobody else could know about us. Not yet. Not until Harry and Ron and the rest of my friends knew and were okay about it.

It was only 11pm. Harry and Ron had only just gotten back from trying their new brooms so I decided to ask Harry if I could borrow Cetrez. I was going to tell him that I had to send a letter to Neville. I had been in regualar correspondence with Neville for the past two weeks, so if Harry or Ron happened to mention anything to Neville about this letter, it wouldn't blow my cover.

"Harry?" I called from the second floor landing as I had heard him make his way up the first flight of stairs. "Yes Hermione?" "I was just wondering, I know I only gave him to you a couple of hours ago, but could I borrow Cetrez to send a letter to Neville? He sent me a letter the other day and I totally forgot to reply, so I've only just finished my letter, but I have no owl." "Yeah, sure no problem. He probably needs a test flight anyway. I'll grab him from Ron's room." "Thanks Harry."

I addressed the letter to Draco, having no choice but to send it to his home, and attached it to Cetrez. I opened the window and out he flew in to the night, growing fainter and fainter until at last, he was gone.

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