Part 12

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The weekend surprisingly flew by. I hadn't gotten a reply from Draco, though I knew that this wasn't a bad thing. He couldn't spend all his time writing to me, we would spend enough time together as it was from Tuesday onwards. Though I still wouldn't have minded receiving a letter or two. But then again, it gave me time with my friends, I didn't want to be consumed with my thoughts about him.

On Monday morning I packed my trunk with all of my school supplies, and urged Harry, Ron and Ginny to do the same. I wanted to be ready to leave on time the next day. I squeezed as much as I could into the trunk, but not everything I wanted to bring would fit. The only other option was my trusty little extended bag. I could fir quite a lot into that, books, clothes and shoes! When I finally had everything packed, and had double checked three times, I decided to go and make sure Harry and Ron were packed.

As there was nothing left to do but wait for tomorrow arrive, Ginny, Molly and I went for a stroll into the nearest muggle village. Ginny and Molly had gotten a taste for cappuccinos after I brought some along from my own house. Though they had lived close by to this muggle village for a very long time, they had never been in a muggle cafe before, so I decided to treat them to a cappuccino and bun in the muggle cafe. They were both fascinated at how the waitress would hand write their order and then make it herself. "It makes using magic look so lazy here!," piped up Ginny. Molly loved it here, and they both adored the taste of the cappuccino. "I shall make this a regular outing," said Molly, "Arthur would only love it!"

We looked around different shops, there weren't many at all due to the fact that the village was tiny. We found a little shop that sold second hand clothing. It wasn't often that Molly would have money to buy anything, so she was extremely excited when she found a few clothing items that she liked. Of course, she didn't have any pounds, she only had galleons and knuts, so I offered to pay. "No, don't be silly dear, I can't let you do that! It wouldn't be right!" Mrs Weasley said when I offered. "Mum, why don't you let Hermione pay, and you can pay her back in Galleons. It makes sense." offered Ginny. "I'd be more than happy to Molly." She thought for a moment. "Only if you are sure, darling." "I am, I'm not going to be needing muggle money for a while anyway!" She thanked me and hugged me. We paid for the items, including a teapot for Arthur, something for some reason he was always fascinated by, and left the shop.

Before we left the village, Molly thought it would be a nice treat for everyone if she were to bring home muggle takeaway for dinner. Muggle food was very similar to the food in the wizarding world. The only difference was the method of cooking. In the muggle world muggles like to fry a lot of things, but that's not how it is in the wizarding world. The Weasley's had had muggle cooked food before, but never takeaways. We went to the little chip shop on the border of the village and ordered burgers and chips.

When we got back to The Burrow, everyone tucked in and thoroughly enjoyed the food. Mr Weasley was beyond excited with his teapot, and couldn't stop fiddling around with it.  After dinner we all changed into pajamas and had hot chocolates over a few games of wizards chess. Ronald is a natural at this, but Harry could never get the hang of it, so instead he and I played exploding snap.

It was happy to see the Weasley's in good spirits. Fred's death had taken a toll on them all. George still found it hard to accept, but in the end, he and Fred were a part of each other. He would never accept it. And the next day, George was heading back to the shop. He was re-opening after months, and he was going to stay in the apartment above it. It was going to be difficult, but he wanted to do it for Fred.

At last it was time for bed. Everyone was tired and needed to sleep before the journey back to Hogwarts tomorrow. It was strange thinking that we would be returning there after all that had happened. This time last year, the three of us were on the run from snatchers, trying to find horcruxes and destroy them. It wasn't going to be the same as before, but I was glad that we could go back one last time. To have a second chance was the most rewarding thing I could have ever asked for.

After making sure everything was in order for the next day, yet again,  I climbed into bed and lay down. For the first time in a few nights, I had quite a refreshing sleep. But the dream I had with that refreshing sleep was not so refreshing.

 I dreamed of Draco, and Harry and Ron. They were fighting each other and my best friends were angry with me. I had betrayed their trust and chose the enemy over our friendship. I was pleading with them but they couldn't hear me. Then Draco was angry with me. I had made no effort to try and bring them around to the idea that Draco was a changed man. I was left on my own, no Harry, no Ron and no Draco. They didn't care about me anymore.

I jerked awake, covered in sweat with tears in my eyes. I grabbed my wand and mumbled "lumos". The tip of my wand lit up and I saw that it was 5 am. I realized that it was just a dream, but it felt so real. What if this was to happen? What if Harry and Ron couldn't accept Draco? I needed to get to work as soon as possible on them. I had to.

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