Part 24

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The following Friday we were let off of class for a week. Halloween was on the coming Sunday. Harry, Ron and I were going to attend the feast together. All houses had to sit at their own tables during dinner, but afterwards the tables would be removed for the celebrations. As I wanted people to see that Malfoy was changed, I had told Harry and Ron that I was inviting him to be with us after the feast. There would be music, dancing and some entertainment along with refreshments. They weren't happy with it, but I told them if they didn't agree, then I would just not go at all. I felt bad, putting them on the spot like that, and I knew that it was hard for them, but they had to know that this was something I cared about. I had spent the past two months putting all my energy into helping him.

Draco was glad that I had asked him to join us. He thought this might be a good opportunity to prove himself. "I know they will probably ignore me all night." he said on Saturday afternoon as we sat drinking hot chocolates in Madam Rosmerta's. "But at least I am making the effort. I honestly don't know if I could ever see us all being friends, or even on speaking terms, but I am going to try. For you." I don't think he ever realized how he was helping me. He was helping me discover who I am. And what I wanted with my life. I think by then I had decided that I wanted to share my life with him. It had only been a couple of months, but he knew me so well. And I knew him.

 "Do you think, that your parents would like me? Or would they hate me for all I put you through during our previous years at school?" He seemed to just blurt it out, like he had being thinking about it for a long time, but of course, I had pondered this to myself before. "I don't think they would hate you. I always told them about my year at Hogwarts, and wrote letters. But I never went crying to them because of something  or anybody else did. They did know that there was a boy called Draco Malfoy, and I had told them was an idiot. But I never told them what you had done." He giggled at that. "You never? Why?" "Because, I knew you were troubled. I hated the way you called me names, and treated Harry and Ron like they were scum. but I don't think I ever believed you meant to be bad. You were acting on impulse. Its what you knew, hence why you always referenced you father." "You never fail to amaze me Granger. I really do regret everything I've ever put you through." I smiled. "Well I admit, it was bad, at the time. Now it seems petty, compared to everything that has happened. You never actually hurt me. I often wonder, if we had been friends, would we have become more? Like we are now, or would it have ended up the way Ron and I did? And then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." He grinned, "You really do over think things. I think, if we were meant to be together, which, I know we are, then we would have found a way, somehow." That made me feel safe, like he was telling me that he would never let me get away.

"I would like for you to meet my parents soon, we could just introduce ourselves as friends first. To see how they would react. Not that I think they would have a bad reaction, I know they wouldn't." I said. He looked worried. "But, won't the others think it weird that you are inviting me to meet your parents?" "No. They don't have to know, and if they did know I would tell them that my parents asked to meet the boy I had helped change." He smiled, "Well then, I would be delighted to." I grinned, "I will organize it probably for around the Christmas holidays?" "Anytime is fine by me!"

"So your parents then. What would they make of me?" I asked him. He sighed, "Well, I want to believe that my father really wants to change, but I'm not so sure about him. I want to introduce you, but after all he put you all through, I guess I am reluctant to let him be near you. My mother on the other hand, well as you know she never wanted to be a part of it. I think she would like you. And I know you would like her. I know you saw a bad side to her that night at Malfoy Manor, but she is nothing like that. It killed her to be like that. " "I know, Draco, I know your mother didn't want it, I saw that night how scared she was for you. I can understand, and I have already forgiven her." He smiled, "We'll make this work. I promise you."

We took the passageway back to the castle as we nearly always did, not for fear of being seen together, we were always careful of our actions in public, but because of the rain. It was extremely heavy, going from one shop to the other already had us soaked, but it was freezing too. We arrived back at the castle and walked down to the Great Hall together.

"This is quite an amazing experience!" I said after a few minutes. He looked at me, puzzled. "We have walked through Hogwarts before!" I laughed at this. "I meant, us, getting to know each other. I have never wanted to spend so much time with anyone before. And I never get bored in your company, there's always something to talk about!" "What do you think will happen once we finish here this year? Will we still be together? Will one of us move away?" He asked me, taking me by surprise. "Well, I would hope we could still be together. I wouldn't want to think that this is just a school romance." I answered. "Me too, not that I think that it's just a fling, I know its not, but it worries me. Tomorrow is the last day of October. The year is flying by and half of us still don't know where we will end up once we finish here!" I agreed, sadly. "Do you know what kind of career you want?" I asked him.  He nodded, "I want to join the Aurors. I want to be the opposite of what my father has always been. And I'm not living at Malfoy Manor forever, after summer, I'm going to move out, that's what scares me. About where I will end up, or if I am not cut out to be an Auror." he replied. I rolled my eyes at this. "You are definitely cut out for that line of work. You can choose where you want to be, and even if we got separated by distance, I hear apparition is very useful! Don't worry we will make this work, I promise."

We arrived at the door to the Great Hall. "I will see you tomorrow then?" I asked him. "You know you will." he replied smiling. "I'm glad we are doing this, Harry and Ron will be fine. Don't worry." He leaned down and pecked me on the head, before turning towards the door to the Great Hall.

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