Part 15

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We had just changed into ours robes when the train pulled into Hogsmeade station. As we got off the train with our luggage, we saw the familiar shape of Hagrid. He was gathering all the first years together, getting ready to take them down to the boats that would bring them to see Hogwarts for the first time. I thought back to the time when I was a first year. Sitting in the boats and seeing the castle for the first time. A lot had changed since then. I had changed.

The three of us, along with Neville and Luna, settled into a carriage. I had never before been able to see the Thestrals that pulled the carriages up to the castle. You could only see them if you had seen death. I had this past year. Too much of it, so now for the first time I could see them as they transported us up to Hogwarts. "I wonder if it looks different?" pondered Neville aloud. "I doubt it," I said, "as it has been reconstructed more than once, and its never changed. Its always been the same." "Still though," he said, "its not going to be the same. There's going to be so many people missing. Hell, even Snape will probably be missed." "Yeah, he will be. " supplied Harry. Harry still felt guilty over all the years of hatred toward Snape. I told him countless times not to. Snape never told him anything, never even gave him the idea that he cared for him deep down, that he loved his mother.

At last we could see the castle. It was as beautiful as ever, and lit up like as if it were in a fairy tale. We arrived at the entrance courtyard and were informed by Professor Slughorn, who had been appointed vice headmaster and head of Slytherin, that our trunks would be taken to our dormitories for us. He led the way into the newly restored castle and into the Entrance Hall. He instructed us to take our seats at our own tables and wait for the first years to arrive. As I made my way up along the Great Hall and found a seat for the four of us, I spotted Draco, taking a seat almost directly in front of where I sat, at his own table. Pansy Parkinson spotted him and rushed to sit next to him. I felt a twinge of jealousy, I wished I could have been sitting beside him. He gave me the slightest smile to reassure me that Parkinson meant nothing to him.

Ten minutes later, the teachers and staff members entered the Great Hall and took their seats at their long table, as they usually did. Hagrid was among them so I assumed the first years were waiting out in the Entrance Hall. Professor McGonagall entered and took her place at the podium in front of the teachers table. It was an odd sight to see. Dumbledore was always in that spot. She cleared her throat and asked us to welcome the first years. And that we did. As the first years nervously made their way up to the top of the great hall, Professor Slughorn brought out the sorting hat and placed it on its usual stool in front of all the new students, and hushed everybody as the hat began to awake.

It didn't give its usual sing song, instead it spoke;

"Welcome new and old students. I am the sorting hat, and I have been here for a very long time. Alas I am very lucky to be here tonight to sort you all into your new houses, as I was almost destroyed just months ago. I am very grateful for this.

It is a new beginning here at Hogwarts, and I want to wish Professor Minerva McGonagall the very best, as she fills the role of Headmistress. It is not an easy task I know, and Dumbledore was a great man and wizard. But I know that Professor McGonagall will make Professor Dumbledore a very proud wizard.

And now, enough of my wish wash. I invite you, new students, to try me on and be sorted into a house!"

There was an uproar of applause, and a few tears here and there. And then the sorting ceremony began. Again it was odd that Slughorn was the one with the directions, as usually McGonagall was the one to over see this task.

I usually loved to watch students being sorted into houses, but this year I couldn't concentrate on it. My mind and eyes kept wandering to the Slytherin table, to where Draco sat. I noticed that he was the same. I wondered did anybody notice us? But we couldn't help it. All I wanted at this moment was to be sitting next to him, talking to him. "Er Hermione?" I jumped from my daze. "What?" I stammered. " "You've got your elbow in your stew!" said Ginny giggling. "Oh, oh my god! I think I must have dozed off! I've been so tired today!" This was the best excuse I could come up with. "Are you sure you're alright Hermione?" asked Ron. "You've hardly been yourself the past few days!" "I'm fine," I said, "I just think I'm a bit under the weather." I chanced a glance at Draco, and he had a big smirk on his face!

After pudding, Professor McGonagall gave the speech that Dumbledore usually would have. "Welcome new students, and welcome back old students. Now I know a lot has changed, and happened over the past year. We have lost the most wonderful Headmaster Hogwarts has ever seen. But I want you all to know that I will do my very best to live up to Dumbledore's standards.

I don't doubt that some of you will find it hard to adjust this year. And that it will be very hard on most of you. Many of you lost family members and friends during the battle. And I want you to know that we have decided to bring in school counselors. They are there for anyone, and I mean anyone who needs or wishes to talk about anything.

I admire you all for having the courage to return to your education. I know for many of you it probably seemed like the last thing you wanted to do. But know that you are not alone. We too, the teachers, feel the loss.

We also lost one of our teachers, a few months ago. I know many of you disliked Severus Snape, but he was a human being. Just like you. He made mistakes, and he tried to make them right. He was in the end, one of the bravest men I had ever met.

Now, I would like to wish you all the very best for the year. And I hope you can take your studies seriously.

Its time that you made your way to your dormitories now. The house prefects will give you the passwords needed, and will guide the new students to the dormitories."

With many, including myself, wiping away the tears, we made our way to the Gryffindor common room. Dean Thomas and Parvati Patil had been appointed Gryffindor prefects this year, so while Harry cornered them for the password, I shot a glance and a smile at Draco as he made his way to the dungeons, where the Slytherin common room was located.

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