Part 11

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On Saturday morning Ginny and I decided to go and watch Harry and Ron practice Quidditch. It was a lovely sunny day and life felt good. My mind was constantly turning everything that had happened the past week over and over. As I sat on the grass with Ginny watching Ron attempt to block the quaffle, I decided to ask Ginny's opinion on the matter. Of course I didn't want to tell her who or what exactly it was, but I needed to know that I wasn't making myself think that this was right just because I wanted it to be.

"Ginny can I ask you something?" "Of course Hermione, whats wrong?" "Oh nothing is wrong, I just wanted your opinion on something." "Okay, shoot." "Do you think that people really can change? I mean if someone has done something bad, or bad things, can they be redeemed?" Ginny looked puzzled. Finally she said, "Well I guess it depends on how bad the thing was that they done, I mean if they made mistakes like stealing, or bullying someone, then yeah I think they probably can redeem themselves. They would have to prove that their intentions were pure of course, but I think that everybody deserves a second chance. But on the other hand, if they have killed someone, especially if they showed no remorse, then no, I don't think they could ever be a good person."

I thought about this. Sure Draco had bullied a lot of people right up until last year, including me and my friends. And he had been instructed to kill Dumbledore. But he didn't do it. So maybe he could be redeemed. But how was I going to make Harry, Ron and Ginny see the good in him? Or anyone else for that matter!

I was brought out of my daze by Ginny. "Why are you asking me this anyway?" "Oh I was just thinking. About these past few years. It might sound strange, but now Voldemort's followers don't have a leader, and many of them were forced into things they have done for him, maybe some of them could turn themselves around? It's just something that popped into my head earlier." It wasn't exactly a lie really. Draco was a death eater, by force, and he was trying to turn himself around. "I suppose maybe some of them can," said Ginny, "but I'm not sure I could ever forgive any of them. I lost my brother because of them. Not to mention everyone else who died."

It made sense that Ginny would feel this way, but I was feeling better that she thought some of them might be able to change. I decided not to take the conversation any further. I didn't want to upset Ginny with anymore talk of death eaters, and I also didn't want her thinking too far into it. Instead we returned our attention to the two boys, who had just been joined by George. Ron was getting better at Quidditch by the day, and Harry of course was always a natural like his father was before him.

It was late in the evening when we returned to the house, Molly had dinner on the table waiting for us. We were all pretty hungry as we had been out all day. Arthur arrived five minutes after us and we all enjoyed dinner together. It was strange only having a small number at the dinner table. We were down three people. Fred of course, and then Percy, who was living in London with his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater, and then Bill. Bill was currently away on business and his wife, Fleur, was with him. But there was a happy vibe in the Weasley household. I was happy to be here, these were my second family.

I went up to bed a short while later and was excited to find an owl waiting at my bedroom window. I opened the window to let it in . It had a letter as I expected and I recognized the handwriting as Draco's.

I opened the letter and read;


I thoroughly enjoyed your company yesterday. It was refreshing to spend the day with you, and I cannot wait for Tuesday.

You have put new light in my life and I look forward to seeing it grow.

I wish I didn't have to leave you yesterday, but I know you want to tell the others before we come out in the open. I respect your wishes and eagerly await the time that we can through Hogwarts and show people that we can be friends.

Thank you Hermione,

Your Admirer

I wandered over to the dresser that held my bag. I opened the bag and took out the parchment, quill and ink that I had put there just days beforehand.

I proceeded to write my reply to Draco.


I too enjoyed our day together, you have given me new hope for this world. I don't know how you've done it Draco Malfoy, but you have thoroughly convinced me of your true intentions.

I also eagerly await the time what we will walk throughout Hogwarts as proud friends. When my friends will be your friends and they will accept us as friends. It will happen, they will just need time. I plan on talking to them very soon.

I also look forward to Tuesday, it will be interesting to see what becomes of us.

Sleep well Draco,

Your Newly Found Friend

I sent the owl on his way and went to sleep.

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