Part 5

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 To say it felt odd that Malfoy practically chose the owl for Harry was an understatement, but it felt good too. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into by just saying that I would think about helping him. I also hadn't fully thought about how I was going to be able to persuade the guys that Malfoy wanted to redeem himself.

I paid for the owl and left to get back to the others. I felt a little bit flustered so I popped into the nearest bathroom to check that I was looking okay, I didn't want the others wouldn't suspect anything. Though how I was meant to concentrate on anything else that day was beyond me. There was too much floating around my brain to process. Firstly, the fact that Malfoy had just kissed me, and confessed that he cared for me. And secondly, that he wanted me to help him stay on track, and get around my two best friends.

I washed my face, dried it and then I left the bathroom and made my way back to Flourish and Blotts. I'd had the wizard in Eeylops have Harry's new owl delivered back to The Burrow so that we wouldn't have to carry it around with us. I wanted to surprise him with it later that evening anyway. Harry and Ron were checking out their list over by the History aisle. We only needed 3 new books for Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Herbology. We paid for our books and headed back out into Diagon Alley.

Later that evening when we had finally gotten all of our new supplies, we headed back into The Leaky Cauldron and back out into London Town. Now that I was back in the muggle world I would be able to find a phone booth  to call my parents. They were delighted to be invited to The Burrow and it was arranged that Mr Weasley would drive me to my house to transport them there on Wednesday evening.

Mr Weasley had obtained a new car, a Ford Fiesta. He was given permission by the new Minister for Magic, Kingsley, to equip the car with magical powers so long as he only travelled when it was dark. He was going to use this car to bring my parents to his house. I wasn't sure how they would feel about travelling in a flying car, but I felt excited! Having my parents in the wizarding world, apart from Diagon Alley, was a huge thing for me.

I was also looking forward to spending the next week at The Burrow, it felt like home there. I hadn't been there since the day we said goodbye to Fred. But it was somewhere I had longed for over the summer. Not that I didn't enjoy the time with my parents. I really did. But I felt that I was missing family being back in the muggle world. The thought that we would all be under the one roof tomorrow night was something I definitely looked forward to.

When we got to The Burrow, there was a delicious smell of beef stew coming from the house. Mrs Weasley welcomed us home cheerily and told us that dinner would be ready in thirty minutes. That would give me enough time alone to think about what had happened today. I felt excited to finally be able to let it wash over me and sink in. Though it was probably considered wrong by my friends and many others,  I think I might have always liked this boy.

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