29: Jay: I Love Her, I'll Kill For Her

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It all happened so fast; Jay didn't have time to react. It was like slow motion for him. Now Naomi was missing.

"Jay, hold still," his mother said.

"I need to go out and find Naomi," he said desperately.

"The police already on it so just lay back down," being in the hospital isn't something he liked.

"Mother I want to go out and look for her myself," he said.

"I know but until your better," his mother said. "I was so worried when I saw you all bandaged up. You're my only child. It would hurt to lose you." She cried. He hated seeing his mother cry.

"I'm sorry, mother," he said hugging her. "I'll wait." He hopes Naomi was alright.

"Hey," Jay looked up at Kay. His eyes where red. He has been crying ever since he found out about the accident.

"Stop crying," Jay said. He knew how to deal with chick's crying now. But a guy crying is beyond help.

"Jay it's my father," Kay said. "He has Naomi. Tessa is his helper. I think my father wants to hurt me with the only family I got. Naomi is like a sister to me. Aside from the fact that I kissed her, but still." Jay knew Tessa was involved somehow. He'll kill her. "Eddy is pissed off that his mother is being forced to work with them. I think she's a nurse and is taking care of Naomi. She manages to send him a message." Then he broke down crying like a little girl. "Naomi, she's paralyzed, she said something about a broken spine." Jay sat up. "Oh god!" He jumped Jay.

"Whoa hey hey off me hey the hell, mom!" His mother just shook her head.

"This my fault if I hadn't confronted my father she would still be here," Kay cried."I'm sorry Jay."

"It's fine, will find her," Jay patted his back.

"Okay," Kay sniffled and got off. "Sorry I got boogers on you." Jay groaned.

Two days later he was out of the hospital and into the streets looking for Naomi. He won't give up until he finds her.

"Anything?" Jay asked Jared.

"No," Jared sighed. "I'm worried about her."

"I am too," Jay sighed sitting down.

Jay knew Jared hated him at the moment but did well to hide it. Jay will probably not see Naomi once she's safe. All he did is put her in danger. And it's best if they parted ways. He'll stop bullying her and let her go. He won't be her bully any longer.

"Where could they be?" Jared looked in the map. "They could be anywhere."

"Hey!" Kay rushed in. "Eddie got a message from his mother." He handed us a paper. In the text, it said she was sorry and the direction of where they where.

And so we went. Jay was the first to go. He wanted to save her as soon as possible.

"Naomi hold on I'm coming to you." Getting on his motorcycle, he didn't bother to slip a helmet on. And he sped through the streets. Causing traffic, rushing through red lights. He didn't care. All he wanted was to get to Naomi.

He will kill anyone. His rage was too much to handle. He wants to shoot someone. And he didn't care of he went to jail.

He made it. Parking far he walked the rest of the way. Jay was careful not to get caught. He peeked got to the abandoned building. Glancing in, Jay saw Naomi laying in a bed. There seem to be no one around, so he decided to go in. Sneaking in, Jay went to her and saw her sleeping. He made sure she was asleep. Jay was about to pick her up when Jay heard a click. He turned around.

"I knew you would be the first," Kays father said.

"Yeah," Jay chuckled. "I'm so going to enjoy killing you."

"Try me, boy."

Jay growled and jumped him. The gun went off. It got him in the shoulder. But he had so, much adrenalin in him that he didn't feel pain. Jay fought him. The rolled around the floor punching. And trying to grab the gun. Jay almost had it, but someone else got it, Tessa.

"Up!" Tessa yelled. Jay got up. Kays father laughed. He stood by her and took the gun.

"Now I'll kill you," he would've had killed him if the loud sound of the machine hadn't had rang. "Oh well looks like your little friend died, again." Jay anger raised and tackle him and punched him. Tessa went for the gun. And he grabbed her pulled her by the hair and slamming her face on to the desk. She fell with a grunt.

Jay grabbed the gun.

"Now I have the advantage," Jay said. "Get up Tessa and you too, you bastard. And go and check her revive her!"

Tessa and Kays's father walked over to Naomi.

"We don't know how," Tessa said. Jay didn't like that answer and shot Tessa in the leg. She screamed out in pain and fell.

Joe, Kays father, took advantage and held a knife against Naomi's neck. Jay tensed up.

"She's alive, so drop the gun," Jay growled and lowered it.

"Back away from it," Jay said.

Jay backed away and still held the gun. Naomi didn't seem to be breathing. He hopes she's alright. Then he heard the sirens of the police cars.

"Give it up, you lose," Jay said.

"I'll never lose," he said and stabbed Naomi twice.

And it all happens so, slow. Jay didn't react. But maybe he did. All he felt was his blood boil up in rage that he lifted the gun, just as Joe ran. Jay just shot away. He doesn't know how many time he fired the gun. But it was enough to kill Joe. And in the process, he shot Tessa, an accident.

The place filled up with cops and people. The had cuffed him before he could go to Naomi. Outside it was worse. News reporters and all that were their thing pictures and asking questions. Jay got placed in the back of the car. From there he could see the paramedics taking Naomi. She was still alive, but now his going to jail. But it doesn't matter; it was worth it. Her life is worth more than his. And more if she's with his baby. Jay smiled as he was taking away. The drive to the police station seemed long. He looked out the window. Nothing matter more than saving the one person he had bullied, and now loved. Naomi had his heart.

From the very beginning, Naomi captures his heart.

"Son, you are in a lot of trouble you know that?' The cop said. "Killing them two will cost you along with feh violations your committee. Was it worth it? You're throwing your whole life away. You could be in jail for years."

Jay thought about it, and he knew the answer.

"Yes it was worth it," he said. "To save the love of my life. I would've had killed anyone. She's worth it and more. My life isn't through important as hers. You get what I mean. Your marry if you wife went missing you would want to kill anyone and find her. You'll do anything for her right?" The cop nodded. "Than you understand me. Judge me all you want. But I love that woman, and I'll do it all over again. Put me in jail; I don't care as long as she's alive and well."

With that said, Jay took the punishment. He was in jail for two months until his trial. He had learned Naomi got well. In the hospital unconscious but alive, and she was pregnant. Jay was happy. Now here he stood in front of the judge. His family and friends stood behind hoping he'll be set free. He didn't listen to anything of what the judge said. Only waited for the verdict. Then it was time.

Jay smiled knowing deep down be won't be free. He was guilty.

"We find the defendant...."
And the end!!!

Sorry, don't be hating now. It's the end, until next time!




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