Chapter 2 Another Test?!

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We stopped and set up a small camp for the night. I sat beside the fire and poked it with a stick, laughing as the red embers rose up to the darkening sky.

They looked like they were chasing each other. One just trying to get a hold of the other before they seemed to vanish from view. I  slowly reached up and tried to catch an ember that was slowly falling towards me. As it landed in my palm it slowly went from red to black. I grimaced at the small burn, but the pain quickly faded leaving my hand cold again.

"Hey," I jumped at the sudden sound, "you should get some rest. We will be at the village before school starts if we get up early tomorrow. Then we can get you tested and assigned."

I raised an eyebrow, "Tested? Didn't you do that already?"
"That was only to see if you had any skills at all. And you do. So next you will do some basic test to see if you're ready to become a-" 

I stood up and interrupted him. "What will be on this test? Because you do realize that my training wasn't exactly the normal basics, right? I only learned what my mom had to teach me and nothing more."

He sighed at this. "I thought that might be the case. If you want we can quickly go over some of the jutsu that you will be tested on." I nodded, "Of course I want to go over them! Can't exactly take a test and pass if I don't know any of the information!"

With that we went to a small clearing slightly away from our camp. "Right. Let's start with one that is a must know. The cloning Jutsu!"  I tilted my head in confusion. "Cloning?"  Iruka signed, "Let's just start.."
It only took me a few minutes to successfully clone myself. I only made three to make sure that I didn't mess up. "Great!" Iruka smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up, "You did that with no problem, but let's try a transformation Jutsu."

I nodded and carefully watched him as he demonstrated it for me. Suddenly I was looking at myself. "That's so cool!"

Iruka changed back to his usual self in a poof. "You think so?" He smiled at me, "Now you try. Become anyone you want."
I thought for a second before a Cheshire smile crept onto my face. Oh this is going to be hilarious.

I took a breath before picturing the form I wanted in my head. There was a poof ,and as the smoke vanished I began to chuckle. "Wh-what?!" Iruka stumbled back as his jaw dropped and nose started bleeding.

"Aww~ Iruka sensei!" I faked shyness and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, "You don't like the form I picked out?  I chose it just for youuu~"  He stumbled back up and sighed. "(Y/N) that is highly inappropriate. Geez, that jutsu is so much like the one Naruto uses..."

I changed back to my usual self and handed a tissue to him. "Naruto?"   He chuckled and shook his head, "A little trouble maker student of mine. You're the same age as him." He seemed to stare off for a second before looking back at me.

"I think tomorrow is when everyone will be assigned to teams. If you do well enough you may be in his team!"

Naruto. It sounds like we are going to get along well enough.
We made our way back to camp. Iruka went to bed meanwhile I snuck back to the clearing.  No way was I going to fail this test!

I woke up to a hand shaking me away. I put my hand on the persons face and patted it a couple times, "A few more minutes mom..."   I heard a chuckle that was not my mothers and opened my eyes slowly.

"It's almost sunrise. We need to get going if you want to test in time to be placed into a team."   Oh yeah.. I wasn't in my village anymore.

I had spent almost all night practicing the Jutsu for the test, and I even went through Iruka's things to find a few books on techniques and things.  Did this guy carry school books all the time?

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