Chapter 9 Prank

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We finally made it back.  When looking around I noticed that everyone had abandoned their usual groups and were actually conversing together.

I managed to get Gaara and his friends to blend in with the others and join in conversation. Sort of.

Gaara stuck by my side making the occasional comment like, "I don't understand the point of this." And "What part of that makes sense?"

He may not admit it, but I swear I heard him laugh at a joke I had made.

When everyone else finally went to bed, I found myself to be restless and instead wondered off a bit into the tree dense areas-like the genius I am-.

I'm still nervous about the final exam.  Even though last time I did pretty well, I'm positive I would've lost going against anyone else.

I let out a sigh and finally took a look at where I managed to get lost to. It was pretty clear other than a few trees spotted across the land. Although, the grass came up to my hips.

I should be worried about what's lurking in the tall grass, but right now I don't care about jiggly sqit.

I made my way into one of the trees. Looking down at the grass, I watched for any movement.

Only a couple minutes passed when I saw the grass to my left shaking. I slowly went higher into the tree hoping I was well concealed.

As it continued to shake I noticed two small and brown buns pop up for a second. 'Ten-ten?'   If it was her... Then why is she hiding?

Oh god. Please tell me that the others are trying to scare me? Ha! Well two can play at that game....


It was a pain in my neck to get this all worked out, but it'll be worth it when I can make a fool of the others. They're not wise to try and prank me!

I made the first move.  Well... That was made awhile ago, but this is the first move they see.   

I came out of the tree and quickly went towards the moving grass. When I looked down there was nothing there. With a quick cut of the grass, I found a hole in the middle.

After a quick inspection, it was clear to see how they used this. And what dolls of them to leave it open to where I could use it to my advantage too.

After a quick addition to my plan, I jumped back just below the tree I was in. I felt a small pressure on my foot. When looking down I noticed it. A tripwire. I followed the thin thread to see it attached to a spot I couldn't see in the trees.

Deep breath.......And jump!

Now in the tree, I managed to get out of the way of the knives shot out from the woods.  'Is this a prank? Or are they trying to kill me?'

A faint chuckle came from a tree to my left. 'Shikamaru... You little apple nugget..'  Like hell I was going to let him get the best of me.

And to my delight, I heard a bell sound coming from one of MY tripwires.  I moved into position in the perfect spot to look down at the person who set of my wire.

Ten-ten was crouched by the hole from before, but with a look of panic and confusion on her face.  Next thing I knew there was a huge puff of smoke from a smoke bomb and a piercing scream.

When everything cleared, she was gone. Everything looked untouched other than a few claw marks, probably from her, in the dirt. 'Next victim!'

There was a shuffle in the outer trees. As Rock Lee began running towards the hole there was another blast of smoke. I made my way to the hole. Throwing my hands together I said a quick "Transform!" And laid on the ground.

When the smoke cleared Rock Lee and I both let out coughs.

"Ten-ten! Are you okay?!"

Cough, cough.

"I'm... I'm fine Lee.. Don't worry about me.."

"Come on! I will carry you back!"

He bent down to scoop me, I mean Ten-ten, up.  When he was low enough I accidentally let out a small laugh.

"What is funny?"

I waved my hand.

"Oh nothing. Sorry"

As he put his hands under me, I set off another smoke bomb. In the confusion I managed to roll him into the hole and do to him what I did to Ten-ten.

Before it fully cleared, I changed back into myself and moved back to my tree.


It's been a good ten minutes since anyone has done anything. I can see Shikamaru sitting in a weird pose, and I know there are others in the surrounding area but my guess is that they're just observing.

I came down to the middle area between my tree and Shikamaru's. I opened my arms out and did a big circle with shouting.

"Shikamaru! Game over okay? I already have two of you! And I think the others are bored of watching out stalemate!"

Making little noise, Shikamaru came down from his tree.

"Giving up (Y/N)?"

"Hey. No one said I was giving up. More like doing you a favor actually."

He chuckled. "A favor?"

"Yep! So you give up?"

I held out my hand. But he shook his head.

"No way! This is really interesting."

I sighed. "I'm sorry that's your answer.."

Before he could say anything else, I stepped on my last trip wire.

A pile of me fell on top on him. I couldn't see him, but I could hear his grunting through the comments coming from my clones.

"Give up now?"

An extremely muffled "What a drag..." come from the pile.

With everyone now back at the camp, I asked Shikamaru what on earth just happened.

He sighed. "Everyone can tell your worried about the exams. We all are, but you needed to get your mind of it. We thought we would do something to reassure you of your skills."

"But how did you know I would be there?"

"We followed you. You were too lost in thought to notice any us."

"How did I not notice a herd of people following me?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. But after we came up with a plan and decided who would be involved, it was actually pretty interesting to see you in action. Sorta."


"Well,". He rested his head back and looked at the sky, "we could barely see through all the smoke. And I was actually worried about what happened to the other two."

"Well now you know they were fine the whole time."

"Yeah. I didn't even know Ten-ten had made that hole.. If I did then I would've understood how on earth you managed to make the 'disappear' so quickly!"

I laughed.

"I'm just glad they hung out down there without much of a fit. Do you have any idea how many clones it took to keep you distracted, set up everything, AND fall on top of you?"

"Enough to know you need to rest."

I nodded.

"Yeah... But I need to train. We only have a little longer until the exams, and I don't know if I'm ready."

Shikamaru patted my shoulder.

"Don't be such a drag. Tomorrow take a break and play a game with me or something."

I sighed.

"Okay yeah..." I smirked at him, "But don't expect me to go easy on you."

"Ha! Like that'll happen." He gave me a light push, "Now go to bed. It's not long before sunrise."

I nodded and made my way to my spot.

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