Chapter 4 Land Of Waves

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Bells? We had to get bells? With four of us and only three bells it was obvious that we would need to work together. Especially so since this is an elite ninja we are going up against.

Before I could turn around to tell everyone Kakashi said begin and the others were gone. 'Guess I'll have to do it myself.'

I thought for a second before heading to the trees. Once deep inside I made a total of three clones. Sending them out to separate directions. Quietly I climbed through the trees and sat in one that looked over the starting area.
It's been forty minutes and I had this feeling that one of my clones were gone...

'I didn't send them far so Kakashi must be near.'
Twenty minutes have passed.

Kakashia I can hear yelling. Someone must be trying to get a bell. A good time to attack!

I made three more clones. 'Five clones. One me.' As one took my spot, the others went off. I listened carefully as I moved through the trees.

Finally I saw where Sasuke was going at it with Kakashi. He seemed to have it under control, but at this rate he will take too long. I sat in silence and watched...

And now Sasuke is just a head sticking out of the ground... I watched as Kakashi made his way back to the start.

'I can't let him get there just yet.'

"Well hello (Y/N)."

I tensed for a second before realizing my clone approaching him. 'This is good..'

"Kakashi sensei. May I have a bell?"

He chuckled, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I can't just give you it."

"Why not?"

As Kakashi went on to explain why I made my attack!...

I jumped onto his back. He shook around trying to get me off, but soon he was in a dog pile of clones. He eventually managed to get away. And as he stood there watching my every move as we circled each other I took out my kunai and rushed towards him.

He blocked my attack and made a swing at me. I rolled back and went at him again. This time when I rolled back I rolled all the way to a bush. Once behind it I made two more clones.

'If the others won't help me. I'll make my own team.' Looking at the two clones that now resembled Sasuke and Sakura, I nodded.

I came out first. Going for another frontal attack. Clone Sasuke went at him from behind. Clone Sakura waited in a tree.

Kakashi noticed Sasuke behind. The second he took his eyes off me I dove for his legs. With my arms wrapped around them and tackled him to the ground.

Quickly I summoned more clones as my arms stayed wrapped around his legs. This time there were six more.

'I just need them to grab the bells.'

In a second everything happened... Kakashi was standing. My clones were gone. I was on the ground.

A smirk crept onto my face as I stood up. Swaying a little.

"You tired already?"

I lifted my head up to and looked into his one exposed eye.

"Good thing I can take a break."

His eyes widened as his hand went to his hip.

No bells.

I held up the bundle of three.

"So. You got all the bells. Leaving non for your team."

I gripped tighter onto the bells.
"Tch! Like I would do that! I know as soon as I saw the lack of a bell that this was a team exercise. I tried to talk to the others but they weren't about to listen to me. You can bet that I'm about to give these bells to my team!"

You Are Not Their Past.               (Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now