Chapter 11

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Looking out my window, I could see the sun was just rising. Ino and Sakura were still asleep on the floor.  I carefully stepped over them so I could change into my clothes for the day. After finally getting my things together, I went out to find the one person who I could really use some reassurance from- Kakashi.

I only had a few places in mind that he may be, but hearing from him will do me good, I hope. 


I could hear them now. Kakashi was just in sight, but with his back towards me, I couldn't see whoever he was talking to.  As I got closer I made my presence know.

"Kakashi Sensei!"

He turned his head towards me. After the slight looked of shock left his face-what I could see of his face that is-, he waved.

"Well (Y/N), I must say I'm surprised to see you here, and so early in the morning. Aren't you fighting today?"

I moved so I was know standing in front of him.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I want to know if you think I'm ready for this."

"You can't truly know if you're ready until you're there. But I have heard about your training and your recent closeness to Shikamaru."

I opened my mouth to comment on that last part, but another voice interrupted my action.


I peered behind Kakashi.


He's here! Right here!

This overwhelming feeling of happiness burst inside of me at the sight of him. His hair seems longer than before, and it's obvious he has been training for a while. But forget all that. Sasuke is here!

I pushed Kakashi to the stand so I could easily get to Sasuke. I jumped towards him and carefully wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug.

"Sasuke! Oh god I've missed you..."

He stood still. Very tense and very not moving.

"Missed me? Hasn't Shikamaru been keeping you company?..."

I pulled back and shoved him arm playfully.

"You idiot. We're just friends. We play board games and talk. Nothing romantic."

The look of anger, or was it jealously, didn't leave his face until I laughed and pulled him into another hug. This time he returned it. Being held by him just seems so right. Like nothing else matters because I'm here. In his arms.

"Cough cough. Oh don't let me interrupt. It's not like I was just shoved aside in the middle of a training session."

I let go of Sasuke and brought my attention back to Kakashi.  He removed himself from the stone that now had a small imprint of his back on it.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I just wanted to see if you had any advice for me before the final exam started."

He pat my head.

"Just remember why you're even here. It's what will keep you going when all seems hopeless. And you don't have to win, you just have to impress."


I nodded.

"Great. Now you should get going. We still have some work to do here."

As I left I waved at the both of them who waved back.

"See you there Sasuke! Kakashi!"


After some last minute rearrangements due to my original opponent not being... Available.   The matches began.

I hadn't paid much attention, I was too nervous about my turn. But also nervous because Sasuke wasn't here yet.

I know most of the people are here only to see him fight, and I can't blame them. I wanted to see too. But I'm afraid of what happens after Sasuke and Gaara fight.

Because I have to fight the winner of that match.


Sasuke's speed. His new technique. Gaara's blood curdling scream. The intensity of the battle.

It had me terrified. It had the crowed going insane.

A loud boom suddenly filled my ears. I looked over to see a smoke bomb had gone off, and I looked around me to see people I the audience falling asleep.


Knowing I was okay now, I quickly went to see what has become of my friends in the audience. Sakura and Ino were fine. The others too.

Well as fine as they can be under attack. Obviously this was some huge attack of the Leaf Village. And I had a pretty good idea of who was to blame.

This feeling sat in the bottom of my stomach. Nothing was going to be the same. 


This chapter is pretty bad. But I'm also sleepy. But even though this story isn't as popular as my Nathan Prescott X Reader, I still love this one a little more!  I promise next chapter will be better! So please hang in there 😭 xoxoxoxoxoxo

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