Chapter 16

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~Kakashi's POV~

I chuckled at (Y/N)'s remark.

"Alright then. Start!"

She immediately moved out of my sight. I know she has been training with Orochimaru, but just how much has she changed since then?

Her appearance did come as quiet a shock to everyone. Even I didn't think he would go as far as to use his own original DNA. But now was not the time to be thinking about that.

Now I have to focus on finding (Y/N).

I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see (Y/N) just standing there.

"Can I have the bell please?"

The thought of the first time she tried just asking for the bells came back to me. It seems like so long ago, but it's only been a few years.

"Sorry (Y/N). That didn't work last time and it won't this time either."

She frowned.

"That's too bad. I really didn't want to have to do this to you."

I quickly reacted as she pulled out a kunai. Our weapons hit and a loud ringing sound went out.

"Well that was a close one."

She quickly went at me again, and as I blocked her hits that were quickly increasing in speed, my back hit a tree. She swung her knife at me and I ducked down.

Moving out of her way towards the clearing behind her, I threw a line of kunai at her only for her to quickly hit the ground with her hands.

A large wall of earth emerged between us and seemed to engulf my blades.

'New tricks?'

She stood up straight and looked me in the eyes.

"Kakashi you should really give me that bell."

I shook my head.

"Not happe-"

She slightly mumbled something and moved her hands into a circle shape, much like what Shikamaru makes when he is thinking.

I went to raise my arm, but I didn't move. I was practically frozen in place.

'What did she-'

'Dominate Thought Jutsu'

(Y/N) waved with her left hand, and so did I. She then waved with her right. And so did I.


'Have control over your thoughts.'

'Did your father teach you this?'

'I made it myself. I like to think of it as a mixture of Ino's Jutsu and Shikamaru's.'

'Very clever. But now what.'

She cleared her throat.

"Kakashi. Can I have the bells?"

Before I knew what I was doing I answered very clearly.

"Of course! You are my best student after all. And the best looking. Why wouldn't I give them to you?"

I mirrored her as she reach down with her right hand and pretended to throw something towards me over the shrubs. But I actually threw the bell to her.

She caught it with one hand and smiled.


I shook around and made sure I had control over my own body again.

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