Chapter 8

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I felt tugging on my ponytail. What?

I'm alive?!

Okay okay... Who ever is pulling on my hair is obviously trying to wake me up.

"I only wanted you to knock her out! What's taking so long?"

I don't know this voice...

"Ssshe ssshould wake up any moment now."

Sun... You little bastard.

I need to get away, but it'll have to be quick.

Tug tug tug.

Tug tug tug.

Tug tug- fucking hell. I'm over this.

I swiftly grabbed a blade and let it go through my hair until it made contact with the tree I was leaning on.

'I was tired of my long hair anyways...'

I jumped up to a higher part of the tree as a chuckling came from below.   When I reached the top I was met by a man who was dressed similarly to the women from before.

My eyes widened. 'Where are the others?'

"Don't you worry. Your little friends got away," He licked his lips. "For nooow."

He held out the ponytail I had just cut off in front of himself.

"It's too bad. I rather liked your long hair."

My stomach knotted. 'Where have I heard that before?'

"You look so much like your mother.... That will change eventually."

He slowly got closer to me.

My voice was almost a whisper as he approached me, "How do you know my mother?"

"You could say that we were lab partners once."

I stood frozen as he ran a finger down my cheek and to my jaw. 'This feeling... It's familiar but...'

"Your chakra is so weak..." A frown came over his face, "She must of sealed it some how..."

His eyes scanned my face and I looked at his almost translucent skin.  I felt myself move to touch it, but before I could he suddenly turned me around.

In one swift movement he removed my hoodie leaving me in my fishnet top. I was about to protest when a sharp pain went through my back.

I screamed out and began to fall forward. An arm wrapped around me and I was pulled closely to the mans chest.

Slowly we went down. Eventually he set me back on the branch where my kunai remained in the tree.  He leaned me back against it.

"I will wait to get you. Right now I have someone else to get a hold of."

He bent down so that we were eye to eye, "You've grown to be sooo pretty. If only she stayed with me. Then you would be powerful as well,"

He raised up and looked back at me,
"And you would look more like me as well..."

Right as the shock of what I just learned hit me, I blacked out again.


I was awake again. I groaned as I rolled over onto my side.

"She's awake!"


"Let me see."


"No way! I wanna see her first!"

Heh... Naruto.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the three standing over me.

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