Chapter 3 Just Day One

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Suddenly a lady spoke up. "I want her on my team."

"What?!" A guy with extremely bushy brows yelled, "No way! Did you see that flip she did! That was pure strength! I want her!"

Soon the room erupted with these people arguing on who's team I was going to be on. Well except the one I flipped. He was reading some book. I looked over to see Iruka sigh, and some man wearing black glasses and black clothing whispered into the Hokage's ear.

As the Hokage held up his hand the room silenced. "Her scores will determine where she is placed. Just like any other student." The room groaned and agreed.

"Please take (Y/N) to the class before it begins, Iruka."

And with that we left.
As we made our way to the classroom I asked Iruka, "So, how did I do?"

"I'm pretty sure you give them quite the shock. Especially when you flipped over Kakashi! Though his guard was kinda down. So doing that again might prove difficult, but you passed. And I have no doubt your scores are great."

We made our way in to the class room that was still empty.

"It may be a while before the other students get here. You have time to clean up if you want. The bathrooms just down the hall."

I didn't think I was that dirty. Still I went to the bathroom. The halls were still empty and it was extremely silent. When I looked in the bathroom the lady who wanted me on her team was in there and adjusting her clothes.

She turned towards me. "Oh hi there. (Y/N) right?" I nodded and walked towards the mirrors. "You were pretty impressive in there. To create that many clones and have them all look different is incredibly advanced."

She glanced at me while I attempted to clean myself up. But it just wasn't working out. "Here let me help you."

She spent a few minutes brushing my hair and then helping me remove the dirt from my clothes and face. "There. You'll need to watch out for fan boys. You're a pretty good looking girl."

I looked at her through the mirror. "Thank you." She smiled at me, "No problem kid. And by the way, you flipping Kakashi. Priceless." She laughed as she waved goodbye and left the bathroom.

I looked over my appearance one more time. My mother says that I my looks are pretty equal between her and my father. I got my lips, (h/c) hair, and dark thick eyelashes from her. My petite but strong build is from my father.

She never liked talking about father. When I was little I tried asking her a few times. But every time she would slap me and tell me that he isn't here so he doesn't matter.

I unknowingly touched my cheek. My skin was always cold to the touch.

I shook my head to shake the memories away. I noticed that below my fishnet shirt my tank top had ripped. I sighed as I dug through the bag I had with me. I pulled at another fishnet top.

You could barely see through it at all unlike the one I had on. So I changed into that one and slipped my half hoodie back on. Not as many layers but it'll have to do.

Finally I went back to the classroom and sat down in a random sit. I looked out the window and began to daydream.

I didn't notice that people began entering the classroom until the whispering got louder. I turned to see most of the students standing on the opposite side of the room whispering behind their hands and looking at me.

What's the big deal? They could at least sit down instead of acting as if I had the plague.

A boy from the group walked towards me. 'Well doesn't he just look like a bundle of joy.' With a blank expression and hands in his pockets he stopped beside where I was sitting.

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