Chapter 5 Feeling Right

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Today was one of the few days that there was no training or missions or any ninja stuff to be done.

With the sun just barely rising, I laid in my bed sprawled out. 'I should get up...' But I wanted to enjoy the stillness for just a little longer.

I raised my hand up to the ceiling.

~"Mommy? Why is it that the other kids have dads?" She froze and slowly walked over to me. She got down on her knees and looked at me. She brushed my hair back and sighed.
"You have a dad too. He just isn't around. He has other things to worry about. Things you will learn about when you're older."
She stood up and held a hand out to me.
"But you'll need to be a strong and brave girl, (Y/N)." I put my hand in hers and she squeezed it. Leading me to our usual practice spot far from the village.~

I let my hand fall down to my bed. 'How old is older?'

When I looked out my window people were already out on the street. I signed and rolled off my bed. Slowly I made my way to my closet, grimacing at my reflection in the mirror as I passed it.

I hummed as I tapped my fingers on my hip. Walking down the street I tried to remember the faces I had seen my first day here. Bushy brow Jr., Long Blonde, Dog dude, Swirly Chips, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy who looks related to Bashful, and Double Buns.

When I stopped in front of the ramen shop I couldn't help but wonder how mom was doing without me. Who was carrying inventory? Who was going to take orders while she cooked?

I shook my head and went back out. I bumped into someone and we both fell back.

I stood up and brushed off my clothes, "Hey sorry about th- Oh. Sasuke."

I held out my hand, but he ignored it and stood up.

"What are you doing out this early (Y/N)?"

"I was about to ask the same thing."

We looked at each other for a second. Finally I was done with this starring contest and turned to walk away.

"Wait (Y/N)."

I looked back at him, "Yeah?"

He stuck his hands in his pockets and pointed to the direction towards our normal training spot.

"Wanna train?"

I sighed. It's not like I have much else to do. "Sure. Why not?"

We've been at it for hours. It was almost evenly matched, but he definitely had more experience than me. We had sat down to take a break and now we're looking over the village.

"I heard that you flipped Kakashi sensei over on your first day here."

"Uh yeah.. It was kinda an accident."

"How do you accidentally flip someone?"

I raised my voice a little, "I thought I had walked into some weird human trafficking thing! I mean there were more adults than I expected watching me during my exam thing!"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "Who all were watching you?"

"I don't know," I sighed, "Kakashi sensei, some lady, the Hokage, Iruka sensei, some bushy brow guy, and some guy smoking."

He looked out at the village and then nodded. We sat in silence. 'Is he okay?'
I nudged him a little.

"Hey. Want to get something to eat?"

As we sat down at the counter, our orders were taken. We made small talk until our food was set in front of us.

While Sasuke broke his chop sticks apart and began eating I just looked at the bowl in front of me.

'Heh.. The noodles look like littles snakes slithering around in a puddle'. I poked and moved the noodles around with my chopsticks.

"Don't play with your food (Y/N)."

I snapped out of my thoughts and chuckled at Sasuke.

"Sorry mom. It won't happen again."

He scoffed at me and continued eating. 'I wonder what he thinks about.'

*Sasuke's POV*

I watched as (Y/N) rested on her elbow and pushed her food around in the bowl.
Something about her was just... I can't put my tongue on it.

Everything she has done has been odd. The stories of her flipping Kakashi, the rumors of her scores being near perfect, her ability to get all three bells, how swiftly she moves to get things done.

'She is almost intimidating.'

The look in her eyes when we train. It's a whole different look than the one she has now.

Now she has a small sparkle in her eyes. Like something behind the is glowing. And she has the smallest smile on her face.

I remember how I first reacted to her. To walk in and see someone in my usual seat. Not cool.

~ "You're in my seat." This girl wasn't from around here. That much was obvious.

"If there were assigned seats I would've been told. But there aren't. So I'll just stay here."

Hmph.. This girl has guts I'll give her that. Or she's an idiot.

"Hey! You can't talk to Sasuke-kun like that!"

The girl in my seat laughed. 'Cute' What? No..

"Need your fan girls to back you up huh?"

I shot a glare at the girl who yelled before bringing my attention back to the one in my seat.

Why that little-

"Here take your seat. Problem solved."

Oh... She moved over a seat, and I sat in mine. 'She's not that bad.'~

I watched her as she continued to play with her food. She must be really be distracted.

"You're food is going to get cold. You did say that you don't like cold things."

She looked at me. Slightly dazed. She mumbled a small "Oh" and finally started eating.

After a bit we started walking idly around.
This wasn't so bad. To have her as a friend. Eventually we found our way back to the training area. It was only a couple hours after noon.

"What did you mean by you wanting to learn more about your family?"

The question came out of my mouth before I could stop it. When I looked at (Y/N) she had a small smile, but her eyes... They looked sad.

"My dad," Her voice seemed to waver like she was testing out the words, "my dad left when I was around one." She raised her knees to her chest and looked over at me. "I don't know anything about him. I don't even know that much about my own mother."

"Can't you just ask your mom?"

She carefully touched her cheek and chuckled.

"I tried a few times. She isn't too fond of him or of me asking about him."

I nodded my head understanding what she must mean. She shift and slowly fell back to lay in the grass.

"What about you?"

"What about me.."

"Your parents."


It was silent. I kept looking forward. There was suddenly two arms wrapped around me. I teased at the sudden touch.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you."

"Why?" I tried to shrug her off but she just squeezed tighter.

"Because it feels right."

She's right. Despite her cold touch, this felt right. I sighed and let myself relax into the hug.

We stayed like that for several minutes before she moved to sit beside me again.

"We won't mention this to the others right?"


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