Chapter 13

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I lookes at the things I decided to bring with me. My weapons, a few extra clothes, and the bells from our first training session with Kakashi.

I glanced over at the picture of the five of us. Sasuke and Naruto looked so grumpy that seeing it makes me laugh a little. I rose my hand up to grab it, but stopped. Instead I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. After righting a quick note, I picked up my bag wand went out the door.


As I got closer to the place Sasuke said to meet him at, I heard a familiar voice.

'Oh Sakura...'

As she continued to yell at Sasuke, I made my way behind her. She just noticed I was there when I spoke up.

"I'm sorry Sakura... Just.. Make sure you get the note from my room."

I then knocked her out. Sasuke sighed and we carried her to a bench nearby. Before I could look back at her one more time, Sasuke grabbed my hand.

"They'll be okay." he gave my hand a light squeeze, "We'll be okay."

I nodded and squeezed his hand back. We made our way quickly to meet with the Sound Four.


I looked at the container that Sasuke was being kept in. It was difficult to get him to trust them enough, but I finally did and now he is being carried by Baby Face.

Arms had made a harness/leash thing from his "webs" to restrain me. They said it was just a precaution, but I feel like a prisoner or a pet. It was silent most of the time. Which was fine with me since when they did talk it was Pinky and Lipstick arguing.

They said they only had a couple of days to get us to Lord Orochimaru. Would they keep Sasuke in the container the whole time?


We all sat down for a short break. Arms had a weird grin on his face that the others seemed to understand the meaning of. I was left confused until I noticed Arms' fingers were slightly moving.

'The Leaf sent a rescue team?'

I got a clear answer when Shikamaru showed up with Kiba, Naruto, Choji, and Neji. I really wish they didn't come. I don't want them getting hurt for nothing.

Shikamaru spotted me and began to move.

"(Y/N) wh-"

I held a hand up.

"No! Just go back! Don't follow us! You guys will get hurt!"

Lipstick laughed.

"I would listen to the girl you runts."

Naruto stepped forward.

"No way! We're here to retrieve you and Sasuke, and that's what we're going to do! Believe it!"

I shook my head. I could feel tears running down my face and I tried wiping them away.

I could hear Shikamaru's voice.

"She's... She's crying."

I tried to sound more stern and less shaky.

"You idiots.. We are going willingly. You don't need to retrieve us."

They all looked shocked.

"No way! They're messing with your head (Y/N)! Just come back and Sasuke too!"

I shook my head and walked back towards Arms.

"I-- we need to do this."

Before any could say anything else, Baby face closed them in with a jutsu.
The rest of us took this chance to move ahead.

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