Authors Note

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I just wanted to give you guys a huge sorry. Sorry for not updating regurlarly.

Yes, it's true that I promised that I'd update as soon as my final exams ended and they did. But I've been dealing with some problems and commitments and it's been impossible to write a decent chapter. I've wrote the next chapter but I didn't posted it. And I won't post it until I feel it's right and it's done with heart.

I've been really anxious about life in general: end of high school and college aplications, driving lessons and exams that I failed, a little temporary job that I found, among many other things that have been making me crazy. I'm feeling tired and I'm getting nervous about everything.

So sorry. Sorry for not keeping my promisse.

I wish I could write for you every single day. The truth is, I can. But it's not right. I want to do things right and I don't want this to become something forced and fake. I love writing, it's something so relaxing for me. But I can't use it while there's million other things overflooding in my head. Fate deserves one hundred percent of me, and never less than that.

I know this sounds like a goodbye but trust me, it can't be. Because I'm can't even think about stopping this. So don't worry, this is just a long and truthful thought I wanted you to know.

Maybe I'll post tomorrow. Or in the weekend. Or in two weeks. Or a month. I just can't keep promising.

So, just another big sorry. Hope you'll understand and bear with me.

Thank you.


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