Chapter 8

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I was sort of nervous for tomorrow. I mean I haven't known Jade that long. I haven't even met her family and I have never set foot into her home. What if something bad happens? Was this a bad idea?

"Chick stop freaking out. You'll be fine." Jade said climbing onto my bed and sitting next to me.

"How'd you...?" I began but Jade cut me off.

"I can read your facial expressions. They give away a lot." She said smirking at me. "Like the fact that you have the biggest crush on Eric."

"Oh my gosh! How many times do I have to tell you! I don't like Eric like that."

"Like that..." She mocked before laughing. I hit her upside the head and got off of my bed.

"Where are you going?"

"We have swim practice you doofus."

"Oh crap!" Jade said jumping off the bed.

"For Christ's sake Jade! Use the frigging ladder before you give me a heart attack!"

"Aww don't be such a wimp." Jade grabbed her swimsuit out of her closet and rushed into the bathroom. I did the same and moments later we both walked out dressed in our swimsuits with our hair pulled back.

"I don't feel like going to practice." Jade pouted.

"Me either. It's the last one though, so cheer up." We excited our room and made our way towards the pool.

Swim practice was boring. My shower afterwords was boring and dinner... Well I didn't have dinner yet.

"Why the hell are you picking out my outfit?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Faith. Every time I look at this girl I think about her straddling and kissing Mr. Riley. Jade and I haven't asked her about that. We figured that she would tell us on her own, but if she doesn't I swear I'm gonna tie this chick up and and flash a bright light into her eye until she tells me what the hell is going on.

"It's the last lunch." She said a little too excitedly for me.

"What the hell is the last lunch? We still have like what? 6/2 months of school left?"

Faith laughed. "No silly. The last lunch is the last lunch before a break. Everyone gets their food and goes outside by the big trees. There will be a movie playing on a big screen thingy that has been brought outside. The younger kids get more of a fun day but the last lunch is still pretty cool. It'll do."

"How come I'm now just hearing about this?"

"Because you don't pay attention to crap." Jade said.

I playfully gasped. "I pay attention to stuff! Right Winter?" We all turned towards Winter and she smiled innocently at me before disappearing into the bathroom. Woow.

I shook my head and looked back at Faith. "Ok I get the last lunch thing and all but why do we all have to wear a dress? The sun will be setting soon. Therefore it will be freezing outside. Especially because it's November.

"Oh come on. Just put on the damn dress. We all know you want to look good for Eric anyway." Jade said.

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't even going to respond this time. I don't even know how many times i have told this girl I don't like Eric.

I took the dress out of Faith's hand and put it on. It was a dress made out of a sweater material so I guess I wouldn't be that cold but I would so much rather wear jeans and a big sweater.

"May I wear leggings?" I asked.

"Hell no." Faith said before putting on her own sweater dress. I don't know what is with these girls and the matching thing but it's sort of creepy. Oddly enough, I think I like it.

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