Chapter 57

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The designated room that we entered was honestly completely overwhelming. For one the room was ginormous.The flooring was completely covered in cheer matts and the walls we're pretty much all covered in mirrors, which was gorgeous if I do say so myself. There was music blaring out of hidden speakers, and cheerleaders from all sorts of different teams were everywhere. Coaches were yelling, people were stretching and in the corner away from all the chaos was a bean bag area where a bunch of males and even a few females were sitting, taking in all the craziness and cheering on their significant other's team even though nothing has even started yet.

"Oh God, I think my heart just fell into my stomach." Eric said grabbing my attention. I turned towards him and could completely see the nervousness all over his face.

"Now I kind of feel bad for making you come." I said while pouting at him.

Eric shook his head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" He nodded and I gave him a small smile.

"Good." I got on my tippy toes and kissed his lips quickly before backing away from him slowly.

"Ooh man get some!" Wyatt said patting Eric on the shoulder. My gosh he sure is something.

As Eric walked away, I found my team I began stretching until everyone arrived. This was the only practice day all teams got so it was pretty intense. Like unbearably intense. At one point all I wanted to do was run to Eric and cry to him about how tired I was but I pulled through.

While practicing I noticed that the new kids got to come in and watch as well. Our school was the only school that had a group of new kids who came along with the significant others so there wasn't a lot of room for them but they somehow made do. Throughout practicing Raylen gave me several thumbs up. She was sitting next to Rylan and once I got to take a water break something hit me. Raylen is Rylan's sister. How the eff could I miss that? Their names are practically the same thing and they have so many similar features. I'm so dumb.

After 4 hours and 30 minutes of dreadfully practicing the same thing non stop, practice was over and we could do what we wanted for the rest of the day. I made my way over to Eric and once I got to him I practically collapsed into his arms. I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life and I never want to experience being so tired ever again.

Without any words being said, Eric picked me up and lead me out of the room. The further we got away from the practice room the more content I felt. I could no longer hear the pounding sounds of about 7 different songs playing at the same time and I could finally breath. I love cheerleading but sometimes it can be an absolute headache.

"My head is ponding." I mumbled while Eric stopped to wait for the elevators. "I know baby. I can tell. I'm gonna make you feel better."

"You're so good to me." I said while snuggling into his neck. I don't know if I passed out or if I was externally zoned out but the walk to our room was one I don't remember. I was lying in the bed before I knew it and not being able to stay awake any longer I passed out.

My eyes fluttered open God know how many hours later. I turned my attention to my left and sitting next to me was Eric in all his shirtless glory. He had one leg up and was resting on it while watching some movie on the Tv. You could tell he was engrosses completely in what was going on and it honestly was so attractive.

"What are you watching?" I asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Race to WitchMountain." Eric said causing me to smile. I love that movie.

"I love that movie." I said while moving closer to him.

"You love every movie." He said laughing a little.

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