Chapter 49

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"I can not believe you did that to me." I said while burying my head into Eric's neck as he untied me. "I thought you were like some type of serial killer. Do you know how scared I was? And what's up with the glowing eyes?" I asked now noticing that his eyes were his normal color.

"There contacts. There my normal eye color but they glow in the dark. It added effect to the idea of what I just did to you." He said while chuckling.

"You scared me." I said again while lying my head on his shoulder.

"I know, baby. I'm sorry." He said chuckling a bit. "But now it's something you'll remember forever."

"Who took Jade?" I asked now remember that my best friend got dragged away by glowing green eyes.

"What do you mean?" Eric asked.

"Jade got dragged away. Who took her?"

"What the hell? No one was supposed to take her." Eric said his eyes filling with worry.

"Eric.." I started with my eyes widening.

"I'm just kidding." Eric said while laughing and pulling me closer to him.

"I hate you."

"Lies." He says as he turns me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. Now in front of my view was a balcony just on the side of ours with Jade and Jarred making out and neither of them looked ready to break away anytime soon.

"Ok now that makes sense." I said before being turned in the other direction. In front of me now was the same sight but with Valentina and Noel. Again, neither of them looked ready to break away.

"When did they all get here?" I asked turning around in his arms.

"Earlier today. They we're hiding in one of the abandoned rooms."

"How long have you been planning this."

"For a while." Eric said smirking a little.

"You're so mean." I said while playfully shoving him.

"You like it."

"Where's Andrina?"

"She's downstairs with the rest of the family."

"Oh." I said while bitting my lip. My eyes suddenly glanced down at his two perfect lips, but just as soon as they landed there, they were back to his ocean blue eyes within the same amount of time.

"You want more kisses don't you?"

"Just a little." I said while looking back down at his lips. They were so pink and inviting it was insane. "You know, if I liked the color pink, my favorite shade would be the color of your lips."

"Good to know." Eric said while grabbing my face and squishing my cheeks together with his hand. "You're so cute."

"Yea?" I managed to let out even though I probably looked like a half squished fish that's been twerking too much.

"Yess." He said as he slowly moved in and brought his lips back down to mine. His hand stopped his squish assault on my face and moved to my right cheek where he caressed me in a loving way. We stayed like this for maybe three more minutes, just enjoying the feel of each other lips and the warmth that our bodies had during this cold New Years night.

"We should go downstairs and fine Andrea."

"Why does she like being called that, again?"

"She said that Andrina sounds too fake and majestic for a bïtch like her."

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