Chapter 56

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"Are you ready?" Eric asked snapping me out of my daze of random thoughts. I nod my head yes and stand up before making my way towards the door where Eric was standing. Once I get there, he opened the door for me and I thanked him before stepping out.

We both made our way to the lobby in peaceful silence and once everyone was there we went to the dinning area to have breakfast. Being the unsocial couple that we are, Eric and I sat at the table in the far corner of the room that only had two seats. Once everyone was settled and sitting where they wanted to be I realized that Rylan was sitting pretty close to us, along with his two brothers and someone that I've never seen before. Not being able to turn my attention fast enough, I caught Rylan's attention and he winked at me causing me to blush. No, not in that way. I was just completely embarrassed that he caught me starting at him. He probably thinks that I have some type of crush on him now and that could really cause problem with Eric.

"What's wrong?" Eric asked catching my attention.

"'Nothing. I just really feel out of place." I said while pouting a little.

"Dido, but at least we have each other." Eric said while grabbing a hold of my hand and kissing it which caused me to smile at him. He's such a cutey.

"You make everything better." I said while staring into his beautiful blue ocean of eyes.

"Nah, that's all you baby girl. Oh and listen, I'm so sorry for breaking back there. I just haven't been feeling well lately and I'm not really myself. Obviously my cravings for you are true, but I'm having a little more trouble controlling it at the moment. So can you promise me something, ma belle princesse." His switching of the languages caused chills to go down my body. I don't know what it is about him speaking a different language to me but it's so hot and I can't help but swoon every time he does it.

"Yes." I said while waiting for his request.

"Go easy on me?" He asked and I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to cause him to lust for me, I just can't help but do it to him most of the time which triggers him into doing it for me. It's a complicated cycle but if he wants me to try harder to stop then I will.

"May I take your order?" A waiter asked taking a hold of my attention.

"Um yes can we have two orders of the pancakes and strawberries with ice teas please?" Eric ordered. The waiter, being amazing at his job, nodded and wrote down the order before going to the next table and asking the same exact question in the same exact way that he has just asked us.

"How did you know I didn't want to order for myself?" I asked teasing Eric.

"I know you. You may be a loud cheerleader but you're naturally quite. You would much rather me order for you than you having to do it for yourself."

"How'd you know what I wanted to eat?"

"As I said before. I know you."

"You're such a know it all." I said while playfully rolling my eyes at him.

"And you're a soon to be know it all." He said smirking at me.

"What makes you think that?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"Because I'm gonna teach you everything I know."

"Starting with French?" I ask while leaning over so I could be closer to him.

He leaned in closer while using his signature smirk that I can't help but love. "Nous pouvons commencer par tout ce que vous voulez, bébé."

"You could totally be cursing me out right now and I wouldn't even care."

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