Chapter 55

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Honestly, the bus ride was the longest ride of my life. All I wanted to do was get up and stretch my legs but we've already made our last stop and apparently we're almost there. Most people were sleeping, including all the teachers. Some couples took this as an opportunity to make out. I for one was too tired to make out. Heck, I was too tired to even fall asleep if that makes since.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Eric asked while rubbing my side.

"Can't sleep. Too many people are around us for me to feel comfortable falling into a venerable state of sleep.

"You're overthinking." Eric said lifting up my shirt a little so his hand could make skin to skin contact with me, which for some reason relaxed me. "Sit on my lap." Eric said confusing me.

"I don't want to get in trouble."

"All the teachers are asleep. You're not gonna get in trouble, baby."

I thought about it and then nodded before moving into Eric lap. He wrapped his arms around me and lay my head on his shoulder before closing my eyes.

I was more comfortable in Eric's arms but I still couldn't sleep. I kept fidgeting and I knew it was keeping Eric up which made me feel bad.

I was just a about to give up and be frustrated when I heard Eric's gorgeous voice singing to me quietly. I opened my eyes and saw one of the teachers, who kept waking up throughout the ride and all of the students that I could see, who were awake, staring at us. Some in awe some in confusion.

I looked at Eric as he kept signing and he shook his head indicating that he wanted my eyes closed. I did as he wanted and instantly felt even more relaxed as he continued to sing to me while rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I don't know how long it took but I fell asleep in his arms to the sound of his amazing voice. The next time I woke up was when we arrived at the hotel at 7 in the morning and I was kind of shocked that I didn't wake up at least once during the bus ride.

Eric and I were the last to get off of the bus and I couldn't help but stare at the hotel in awe. It was beautiful and huge.

"Alright everybody I know it's freezing, so let's not waist time and get to the lobby asap." Our couch yelled causing everyone to move towards the front doors.

"Except for you two." She said while looking at Eric and I. Oh crap. We're in trouble.

Eric and I slowly stopped in our tacks and turned around to look at coach Stella. She gave me a sympathetic look and then made her way towards us. "Sweetie do you have trouble sleeping?" She asked catching me off guard.

"Um sometimes I guess. More likely when I'm nervous." I said.

"Look honey. If you need Eric to help you sleep I can rearrange something so the two of you can share a room. I want you fully awake and aware for this competition. You just have to promise me that nothing will go on in that room. I could lose my job over something like this."

"We understand." I said.

"Good. And also all the chaperones will have a key to your room just because of the specific reason that you two will be sharing. We will all be checking in at different times. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes mam."

"Ok you're free to go. Sorry for freezing you." She said causing me to laugh.

We all made our way into the building and I kid you not, the interior of the hotel was even more beautiful than the exterior.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I watched as coach Stella went to the front desk and signed in. She seemed to be making some type of new arrangement which was most probably because of the conversation we just had. She then received a large stack of key cards. Once all was handled at the front desk, she turned her attention to all of us and started announcing the groups of people who would be rooming together while handing them their keys. She didn't call Eric and I but she did hand us keys when she was sure the students weren't paying attention anymore.

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