Chapter 2

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"Yes?" I said turning my head towards Winter. Maybe there are two Eric Riders who go to this school. If not I'm screwed."

"You do know who that was right?" She asked.

"That was Eric." I said looking at her confused. Yea, I should totally be an actress.

"There is only one Eric Ridder at this school." She said.

"Oh shoot." I mumbled.

"Y-you're friends with him?" Faith stuttered. Is he really that bad?

"Well not really. I just met him earlier today." I really should have just stayed with my aunt and eased dropped on the conversation she was having. Why don't I think twice about the things I'm about to do?

"You should stay away from him. It's what's best." Jade said holding onto the edge next to Faith. I didn't even know she swam over here.

"He doesn't seem so bad." I said defending him. Bad idea.

"Stay away from him." Jade snapped before swimming off. I felt a bit of tension as she did. I really should stop trying to talk to people. Making friends isn't a good idea. It'll just end up being bad. I'm not a people person. Never was, never will be.

I stood up and rubbed my bottom to make sure there was no dirt on my jeans. "I should go."

Winter and faith gave me sympathetic look but didn't protests as I walked off, heading for my dorm.

Our dorm... I don't like that.

When I got to my dorm I decided to unpack. I found one closet that was empty so I began putting my belongings in there.

Hours later and I'm still not done. Why did my mom have to send me to this school? I was perfectly fine at home. Last week I found a new place to hide away from everyone and now I'm stuck in a new place with no place to be alone. I guess I'm going to have to look for a place because I'm not liking the idea of not having a get away.

Eventually I finally finished unpacking.

Grabbing my phone I sat on my bed. One new message. No, it's not anyone important. Just my mom... Ok that sounds rude but you understand what I mean.

After responding to my mothers text I took out my laptop and played a bunch of stupid games I found on the internet. Durning my tenth game, my new roommates walked in. Jade went straight to the bathroom. Faith sat on her bed and Winter climbed up and sat next to me on my bed.

"Whatcha playing?" She asked.

"Survival Within The Wildlife." I said

"In all my years of living, I have never heard of that."

"Hardly anyone has." I said. "I spend most of my time on the internet so I randomly found it one day. It's a pretty fun game I guess. Really unique."

Winter watched me play the game for a while. Within the minutes of me playing, Jade came out of the bathroom and Faith went in. After Faith, went in Winter and after Winter went, I went.

The bathroom was really clean. Like extremely clean. It smelled really good in there too. Plus, the shower was really warm. Nothing like I expected.

Once I got out of the bathroom I was really confused. Winter, Faith and Jade where all in a circle on the ground and there was one spot that seemed to be empty. What?

"What's going on?" I asked a bit confused.

"It's our annual night of truth or dare. Come join us. We've been waiting for you." Jade said.

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