Chapter 13

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I was wearing the purple sweater Jade instructed me to wear. I had on black tights and my favorite pair of boots. My hair was down and straightened for once and I had a little bit of makeup on my face. As I looked at myself in the mirror I was sort of happy. I didn't want to vomit at the sight of my appearance. How great is that?

I walked out of my bathroom expecting to see Jade but she was no where to be found. She must have went back to her room to get ready.

I was debating on wether or not I should go in her room or just stay in my room until she was done. I'm lazy and I didn't want to run into Eric so I decided to stay in my room. I sat on my bed and I turned on the tv. I scrolled through the channels for a while and decided to watch enchanted. Call me a kid but, I've always loved that movie.


"Liaaaa." Jade called out while snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I asked snapping out of my movie trance.

"It's time to go." She said.

"Aww." I pouted. "This is my movie."

Jade grabbed the remote off of my bed and turned it off making me pout even more. "You suck." I said before standing up. She dragged me out of the room, down the long hallways and out of the house. Ms. Kelly was already sitting in the drivers seat and Eric was in the passenger seat. I was sort of sad that I wouldn't be able to sit by him but there was no way that I was going to admit that. Jade would never let it go.

Jade got in behind her mom and I got in on the other side. The whole ride was ok I guess. Everyone was talking, except Eric. He just stared down at his phone the whole time. He wasn't even acknowledging any of the conversations that were happening and it made me kind of sad.

Eventually we got to the bowling alley. Eric was the first one out and Jade and I were right behind him. We said goodbye to Mrs. Kelly and then made our way inside the bowling alley.

"We're a bit early." Jade said looking down at her phone. "While we wait we could..." She was cut off by a high pitched squeal. I flinched a bit before turning towards where the sound was coming from.

Rushing towards Jade were two girls. One was short. She had big brown eyes and dark brown hair with the most gorgeous red highlights that gave her hair a reddish tint. She was wearing a tank top that was tucked into a cute skirt and she had a lot of jewelry on. She had the cutest dimples when she smiled and her outfit was already accompanied by the ugly bowling shoes.

The other girl was a bit taller but not tall. She was really tan and had pretty, long, dark brown, curly, mermaid hair. She was wearing a grumpy cat mermaid sweater, with skinny jeans and her outfit was also accompanied by bowling shoes as well.

Behind the two girls were two guys. They were following not very close behind but you could tell they were with them. One was short, for a boy. He had dirty blonde hair that covered his forehead and light brown eyes... I think. The other was blonde. He had green eyes and he was pretty tall. I would tell you more about them but I didn't pay attention for too long. I was simply being introduced to the two girls.

Jade gave both of the girls a big hug and then turned to me. "Guys this is Lia. Isn't she pretty?" Jade asked them. The shorter girl with the red highlights smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "Hi! I'm Valentina. Sorry if you're uncomfortable with me hugging you but I can't help it. I like touching people." She said. Oh wow.

The other girl shook her head and smiled. "I'm Andrina. You can call me Andrea if you want. People call me both. " Once Valentina pulled away Andrina gave me a hug, but her hug didn't last nearly as long as the one Valentina gave me.

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