Chapter 62

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The hallway got darker the longer we walked. I was unfamiliar with this side of the house. There was hardly any light to it and windows seemed to become very vacant. We walked on until Eric stopped at a dead end. He lifted up a beautiful family portrait that was hung neatly on the wall and placed his hand on the technology that was under it. The device gave a small beep of approval and a huge section of the wall suddenly came to life. Quickly, I backed away from the wall and watched in awe as it opened a passageway with only a stairwell to be seen.

Eric once again grabbed a hold of my hand and lead me into the passageway. The wall closed behind us and Eric typed in a password on an identical looking device to the last one. The words 'locked in' were heard in a medium toned voice and then we headed down the long spiral stairs. At the end of them was a door and with a sigh of relief Eric unlocked it with a key I didn't even know he had and let us into a room filled with pillows. There was hardly anywhere to step, it was like a pillow heaven and I couldn't help but smile like a child when a saw it.

Continuing my look over I observed that a projector was connected to the ceiling, facing a vacant wall. To the side of the room was a bar area with a mini fridge and a few cabinets behind it. Other than that, the room was a pillow wonderland.

"What is this place?" I asked in awe.

"This... Is our safe place, for protection purposes. It's never been used for that specific reason but when I was at a really low place I would lock myself down here a lot and just watch my favorite movies, eat, sleep, or listen to music. It's a completely soundproof room and no one can get in unless we come out.

"The lack of windows is kind of relaxing. We're underground aren't we?"

"That we are my love."

"Are we staying here tonight?"

"Yes." He said wrapping his arms around me. "Tonight, I'm gonna show you how much I love you."

"I'd like that." I said while wrapping my arms around him. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and then buried his head in the crock of my neck.

"What movie do you want to watch, baby?"

"All Disney movies." I said grinning widely at him.

"I figured." He said after pulling away to turn on the projector.

"Is there a bathroom in here?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah of course. It's behind that door." He side pointing to the side of us.

"Oh thank God. I wouldn't have lasted all night."

"Trust me. I know." He said chuckling a bit. After finally starting the movie he grabbed a huge blanket, jumped into the pile of pillows, and crawled his way into the middle. He patted the spot next to him and I giggled a bit before jumping on the pillows as well and crawling towards him.

No kidding, we watched movies for hours. It was about three or four movies and a lot of snacks later when I started to feel extremely comfortable. I could feel that it was now night time and I knew that my parents were probably freaking out but I didn't care. I was at peace, especially when Eric's lips made their way to mine in the middle of Lilo and Stitch. Like before, this kiss was specifically different than all the others and it caused me to feel a bit more needy than usual.

"Eric." I gasped a bit while pulling away from the kiss. I loved how he was making me feel but I couldn't continue.

Eric, refusing to remove his lips from my body made his way down my neck. He pulled me into his lap and began sucking most likely to leave a mark that says 'fück you' to my parents.

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