Chapter 12

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It was pretty late, but not too late. It was 11 and I was in Jade's room. We were watching the vampire diaries on her tv and eating gummy warms. Neither of us talked for the past few hours. We were too into the show.

"Hey." Jade said pausing the TV. I glared at her and threw a gummy warm. Sorry gummy, but thanks for taking one for the team.

"It was getting good!" I said continuing my glare.

Jade shook her head. "Oh well. I want to talk."

"I'm not talking about Eric so you can forget it." I said.

She rolled her eyes and playfully scoffed. "Your sooo annoying."

"Me?!" I gasped. "Your the one who won't let this whole Eric situation go!"

"Because I'm right." She said hitting me with a pillow.

"Whatever." I saidrolling my eyes. I couldn't really argue with her. She was right.

"Anyway that's not even what I wanted to talk about."


"I was wondering if you would like to meet some of my friends tomorrow."

I gave her a confused look. "I already know all of your friends. We share friends. What are you talking about?" I asked.

Jade laughed. "No! I'm talking about the friends that I have here. We can go bowling or something."

"Oh." I said. "Sure."

"That doesn't sound very enthusiastic." She pouted at me.

"I'm not good with people."

"Obviously." She said pushing me playfully. She let out a yawn and I followed right behind her with my own yawn.

"Ugh! You made me tired!" I accused her.

"You made your own self tired." With that said she turned around and went to sleep. I again was right behind her.


I wasn't dreaming. I hardly ever dream, but that doesn't mean I won't be angry when you wake me from my peaceful sleeping state. Like what the hell?! We're on a break! I'm meant to sleep in! Who would do such a thing?!

"Wake up!" I heard Jade yell as she hit me with a pillow. My eyes fluttered open and I gave Jade a glare.

"Go away." I mumbled.

"Get up or I'm eating you pancake." I heard her say. That's all I needed to hear to get out of bed. I was starving for some reason, and I just really love pancakes.

"Oh. So you'll get up for pancakes but not for me?" Jade asked while placing her hands on her hips.

"Yes." I said smirking at her.

"So mean." Jade pouted.

"Aww. Don't be sad. Your still my second love." I said to make her even more mad.

"Second?! Who the hell is the first?! Eric?" She asked smirking at me.

"I'm going to kill you." I glared at her before walking out of the door and heading to my room. Once I got out, I came face to face with a shirtless Eric who was coming out of his room.

Jesus! Please help me!

"Morning, Lia." His voice was raspy from sleep and he was stretching as he spoke. Holy crap! I'm too young for this situation. I can't handle this!

"M-morning." I stuttered before rushing into my room and practically slamming the door behind me. I slide down the door and sat down. I couldn't get his shirtless body out of my mind. Soo gorgeous! Why is he so gorgeous! No normal human being should look that great. It should be a crime.

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