Chapter 48

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It was the end of the night and snow fell from up above. I was alone with Eric on his balcony staring at the view. Eric seemed nervous, but I couldn't figure out why. I had already given him his gift which was a few of his favorite things that he did not own in his possession but now does because of me. Eric on the other hand insisted on waiting just a bit longer before he gave me mine. I tried to guess what it was but everything that I tried just sounded wrong and the fact that he's so nervous about the situation maker me nervous.

"Lia?" Eric started to say as he took his fixed gaze off of the snowy slopes and readjusted it to me. He had a serious gleam in his eye, although it was very sexy it still made me feel a tad bit nervous. "Kiss me. Just in case this all goes bad."

"Eric, this isn't going to go bad."

"Please." His voice pleaded.  Giving in I slowly leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He immediately took over and grabbed both sides of my face while moving even closer to me. His tongue entered my mouth, which only ever happens on rare occasions and he explored every part of my mouth. The kiss made me hot and if I didn't pull away when I did I would have lost my chill.

"I like you a lot." Eric said while rubbing the side of my face with his hand. "You mean honestly the absolute world to me and I really don't want to lose you. I know we've only dated for about a month and a half but I know you're special, and I know one day I'm really going to need you. I've known you were special since the day I laid eyes on you. I just didn't think you'd want to belong to me. Why would a girl as special as you want to belong to me? So, I know this I kind of rash and probably unacceptable to most adults but..." Eric pulled out a ring and held onto my hand. "It's not a promise to be engaged but it's a promise for eternal friendship, which honestly is the better and wiser first step in a relationship. Do you accept?"

I nodded eagerly trying to hold back tears. Why is he so perfect?

Eric whom already had a hold of my left hand slid the ring onto my ring finger. The ring was gorgeous. It was a silver ring with two hearts made into an infinity sign and one in the middle which was covered in blue topaz and engraved on the inside was the words always & forever.

Once the ring was placed onto my finger, Eric kissed the back of my hand and then left a small peck on my lips and whispered. "Je suis désolé."

"What?" I asked still not being able to understand what he was saying when he talked in another language.

"Pour vous connecter à l'âme problématique."

"Eric, even though it puts me in a complete daze when you do that. I would like you to speak English. I have no idea what you're saying."

"It's nothing." Eric said shaking his head and looking down. "Just explaining how much you mean to me."

"You sweet." I say before pecking his lips. "Let's go inside and drink some coco. I'm freezing."

The rest of the night was spent watching movies with each other's family's and lots of warm hugs. My parents left two days later but it was warming knowing that I got to see them and that they haven't forgotten about me. Eric on the other hand has been sweeter than ever, which is saying a lot because he's always been sweet to me.

It was the day before New Year's Eve, and I was spending it in my best friends room. There wasn't much to catch up on other than the fact that Jade misses Jarred but other than that nothing.

"I just really want it to be official. You know?"

"I'm sure he'll take that step one day. He's probably just taking his time." I said trying to reassure Jade that Jarred really does like her. I kind of don't understand his problem though, why wait this long to make something, that obviously both of you want, official? I don't understand guys.

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