Chapter 11 ~ Potions and Confrontations

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So I woke up when dawn was just breaking so I quickly got up and had a shower. Who knows how long I could be going without one. I got changed and grabbed my bag and willows pot and a clothed long thing. I opened up the cloth and it was a quiver full of silver arrows. I gasped quietly these were from Artemis. Her symbol of power are silver arrows. There was a note on the quiver. The arrows will always fly straight and will never run out until you fall. I slung it over my shoulder and I walked out the cabin to the Athena cabin. I walked in and went to lucy's bed. I placed willow on her bedside table and kisses lucy on the forehead. I walked out to Thalias tree to see that no one was there so I decided to see what the other person placed in my bag. I unzipped it and pulled three items out that I didn't put in. There was a vial of what looked like sunlight and a little vial of red liquid. I opened the red one and took an sniff of it. It smelled like almonds. I put the stopper on it and put it in the front pocket of my bag. The last object was a piece of parchment. I opened it up and saw that it was from my father.

Ava, Hermes tells me you are going on a quest for him. Well done but be careful there is something or someone out there looking for revenge. I would smite him jut I am not allowed to. He is protected by something .Anyway the vials I left you are sunlight to summon a raven if you need help and the red vial is a healing potion BE CAREFUL WITH IT. There's only enough for one dose.

So yeah Good Luck
this quest will take alot.
I am so awesome.

I laughed at the letter as Leo and the others sauntered up to the tree.I rolled up the parchment and put it in bag along with the raven summoning vial.
"What's up buttercup?" Leo said slinging his arm around my shoulders.
"Nothing much just had a visit from my dad and Lady Artemis during the night." The others gawped at me.
"What your dad and his sister visited you." Leo dropped his arm when he saw the quiver on my back.
"Yeah lady Artemis gave me a quiver full of arrows that never runs out and dad gave me a vial of sunlight to summon a raven if we need help." They al just stared at me. Whilst Ash looked a little pissed.
"You ok Ash." Nico asked her.
"Yeah I'm fine just tired." She walked down the hill to a van that I didn't realise was there.we all followed her and. Climed in the back as she and Nico climbed in the front. The guy driving was the head of security Argus he had eyes everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Leo told me he once saw Argus in a bikini but I think he was just joking. I sat in between Leo and Conner whilst fiddling with my necklace. I wondered what would happen to my arrows that Leo made.Would they still appear or not. I was thinking about this until Nico turned around in his seat.
"Argus is taking us as far as the train station. We need to get the train to the other side of the country before two weeks are over with.
"Great that'll take what 45 hours to get there." I rolled my eyes at ash's attitude ever since I told them about my father she has been all hostile. After about half and hour Argus stopped the van and I nearly went face first into the seating front of me if it wasn't for Conner grabbing me and pulling me back onto my seat. I gave him a thankful smile and he returned it. Leo scoffed, opened the door and jumped out. I jumped out after him and stood to the side as everyone got out. Argus sped away and we walked inside the train station. Ash purchased the tickets with mortal money as we stood at the side discussing why we were chosen.
Low said "probably cause we are awesome and less likely to screw things up." Nico totally ignored Leo's comment and said " He chose Conner because he can sense when we are close to the caduceus. But why he chose us I have no idea." At that point Ash was back with the tickets.
"Right the train gets here in five minutes. So we just have to wait." She went and sat down at a bench near the line.
"What's up with her." Leo asked and before him and Nico got into a fight I went over and sat next to her.
"Right what's wrong." I asked her twisting to look at her.
"Nothing . I'm fine. " I could tell she was lying.
"Your not. Even Leo can sense something is wrong and that boy us as clueless as a newborn baby." She started laughing at this then she got all serious.
"It's just I've been a camp for a few years and my mother has never come to see me. Then you come along and within two days you have had two gods and a goddess visit you. I don't get it." She was nearly in tears at this point so I let her calm down before I started speaking to her. Luckily the boys were staying where they were watching me try and talk to her.
"I don't get it either but maybe she's waiting for you to prove yourself before she comes to see you." I didn't know what to do in this situation usually I had to calm down willow when a boy doesn't ask her out.l not why a goddess doesn't come to see her kid.
"How am I meant to do that?" I know the answer to this.
"The quest." She still looked confused so I clarified it a bit. "When we finish the quest you will get the chance to meet your mother. I'll make sure of it." She looked at me
"You'd do that for me." I didn't have to think of the answer.
"Of course I will. That's what friends are for." She pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back as she started to laugh.
"Thank you,thank you,thank you." The other walked up cautiously as if we were a ticking time bomb.
"Is it safe? Can we come over?" Leo joked as the train pulled up.
"No need to feel threatened let's find a seat and get settled for a looooong journey."
We all found a single carriage. Like the ones in the Harry potter train. I sat at the windows Conner sat next to me and Leo was across from me. I was feeling tired so I sat my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. It was a little uncomfortable and i think Conner knew this so he whispered in my ear.
"You can put your head on my shoulder if you want." I opened one eye and looked at him to see if he was joking but it seemed like he was 100 percent serious so I rested my head on his shoulder and shifted a little to get comfortable and then I fell asleep.
I was woken up to Leo and Conner yelling bloody murder.
"No I saw her first so I get her!" Conner jumped op on his feet and Leo follows suit.
"Well I like her more than you. You are just using her to forget calypso." Oh he did not just say that. I sat up to see Ash and Nico watching them in hysterics.
"Alright that's it bring it thief boy." Leo raised his fists forgetting that he had weapons.
"oh its on monkey mechanic." Conner raise his fists as Leo punched him. I stood up and got In between them so neither of them got hurt even more.
"Guys now is not the time to be fighting. I don't know what you are fighting about and I don't care grow up and forget about it until the quest is over. The you can go all out with the punches ok we have bigger problems than your petty arguments."I pushed on thier chests till they sat down.
"Now if you'll excuse me I am going to get freshened up before we get to the station." I grabbed my bag and walked out the carriage and slammed the door so hard I thought the glass would have shattered. I walked to the bathroom and shut the door and locked it. Sighing deeply I got changed quickly and shoved the clothes I was just wearing in my bag. As I was walking back to the carriage the train jolted and I nearly went flying. Everyone came rushing out of the carriage with their stuff.
"We need to go." Conner grabbed my arm and steadied me turning me around and we started running to the end if the train. Another huge jolt came that sent us all to the ground. Nico landed on top of me winding me slightly.
"Sorry Ava." He pulled me up and brushed himself down.
"Is someone going to tell me what is going on?" I exclaimed as Conner grabbed my hand again and pulled me to the end of the train.
"The train is under attack." We got to the end of the train and Ash kicked the door open. Then the train. Slowed slightly and she and Nico jumped.
"WHAT THE HADES ARE THEY DOING!!" Conner walked up to the edge with me trailing behind him.
"Do you trust me?" I stared at the ground rushing past.
"Do you trust me?" I nodded my head and so did Conner.
"good" he then jumped pulling me with him. I started to scream as we rolled down the side of the embankment till we stopped. Conner jumped up and helped me up.
"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!" He then started laughing ,his laughing was so contagious that I couldn't help but join in and that is how Ash,Leo and Nico found us. Rolling on the ground laughing our heads off. They quickly joined in forgetting about the whole train attack thing. It's good to have a laugh once in a while.


Ok so really long chapter this time. I'm going to try and make then about this length maybe longer.
So what do you think Leo and Conner were fighting about?? And we had our second romantic moment between Conner and Leo.
And above is what Ava and Ash are wearing on the quest.
The reason I chose the raven is because it is one of Apollos symbols. So yeah hope you enjoyed it. All character except Ava and Ash Belong to Rick Riordan and Ash belongs to jennyreid28

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