Chapter 1 ~ Waking Up

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Waking up to my bedroom door opening, I squinted my eyes to see my little sister standing by the door.

"Hey whats wrong?" I sat up as she came closer and stood at the edge of my bed.

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting again" she whispered. I moved over and let her snuggle into my side. it was only then I heard them shouting. The kinda shouting that ended up with my mother having a bruise on her face. I pulled Lucy closer and tried to comfort her.

"Its okay do you want a story." I knew that she loved my stories and nine times out of ten she fell asleep halfway through.

"Yeah, yeah,the one about the princess and the prince" I knew which story she was talking about. She snuggled closer as I cleared my throat.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Lucinda, now she was the most beautiful princess in the land with gorgeous Blue eyes and Flowing gold hair that looked like gold in the sunlight. Everyone wanted to be her and every prince wanted to be with her. Now there was this one prince who tried desperately wanted to be with her but every time she went to see her she was always busy but this one time he went to the market he saw her looking as radiant as ever and when he went to talk to her he went completely speechless he couldn't say a word." Lucy started giggling.

"She turned round and saw that he couldn't talk, she said "I thought that all princes were brave" and kissed him on the cheek.Well didn't he go bright red," I looked down at Lucy and saw her asleep.i cuddled her closer and fell asleep.


Two People were in a room but it was full of shadows so I couldn't see a thing except their silhouettes.

"She needs to be told." the one on the left said

"I know that brother but not until the time is right or else she will be too powerful and then she will be attacked by who knows what" the one on the right said sounding oddly feminine.

"Look sister I'm not going to stand by and watch her be killed." He half-yelled

"I know that but you can't tell her straight away just wait until the time is right." she placed an arm on his shoulder

"IT IS the time, the Oracle states......


I jumped awake to my alarm blaring. I looked down but Lucy wasn't beside me.She must have gotten up earlier than me . I turned my alarm off and got out of bed. I Jumped in the shower and washed my hair thinking about my dream.Who are the people in it and what are they talking about. I came out of the shower and dried off quickly and pulled some clothes out of the wardrobe. I dried my long brown hair quickly and pulled it into a ponytail. I got dressed and walked out of my room into the kitchen.

When I walked in I saw Lucy sitting at the table and my mum at the cooker making bacon.

"Morning Lucy,Mom." I said sitting down at the table  but not before ruffling Lucy's Hair.

"Hey, I had that sitting nice!" Lucy complained straightening her hair out.

"Ooh who are you trying to impress??" I asked teasing her. My mom turned round to see Lucy punch my arm.

"LUCINDA, what have I told you about hitting your sister and Ava I expected better from you teasing your sister like that, honestly you fight like cat and dog." I laughed but then stopped as I spotted a bruise on her left cheekbone.

"But mum."Lucy moaned I stood up and pulled my bag over from the door.

"Nope I don't want to hear it, Ava you better leave before you are late for your second last day at school." I groaned and stuffed everything I need in my bag. I gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek and stood up

"See you later guys." I walked out the door before I could hear their responses. I ran down the stairs and outside to catch the bus. I was standing at the bus stop and I saw a shadow that had no owner. I  kept staring at it but then the bus came round the corner and it disappeared as I got on I felt this sense of foreboding that something was going to happen. I sat down and stared at the building going past. I knew that something was going to happen I just didn't know what.

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