Chapter 5 ~ I Go To Camp Half-Blood

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Walking up the stairs trying to catch my breath.When I walked in I turned to close the door and behind me i heard thumping feet and I braced myself as I turned Lucy Jumped into my arms.

"Ava,Ava,AVA,Guess what?" I held her in my arms as I walked to the kitchen.

"what,what,What?" I tickled her sides.

"Your friends from school are here. they are nice." I looked puzzled because she has met Adam and Willow before.I walked into the kitchen and low and behold. Wait that's not Adam or Willow.At my kitchen table holding cute mugs with cats on them,were Nico and Leo.They looked up as I walked in.

"Um hi guys I didn't expect you to be here." I put Lucy on one of the seats and opened the refrigerator door and pulled out stuff to make a sandwich.

"Yeah we just decided to give your Mother a visit about your music lesson." I turned round to stare at my mother. She looked me straight in the eyes and nodded.

"Lucy, darling can you go to your room?" my mother looked at Lucy calmly if I was her I'd be freaking out thinking that my daughter was on drugs or something like that.

"But mummy!" Lucy started to moan but my mother gave her a look that shuts her up every time.Lucy walked to her room and slammed her door.My mother gestured to the seat next to Leo so I sat down.I looked around the room and saw that the clock was crooked I'd need to fix that before my step-dad came home.

"Right Ava tell me what happened today in your lesson." I drew my gaze back to my mother and told her everything. By the time i was finished she was staring at me.Daring me to say I was lying.I nearly pretended I was lying but I thought that this was too serious to kid about.

"Ava I want you to go pack a bag and Lucy's we're leaving." my mother said nonchalantly. She stood up and went to the sink staring out the window.Nico and Leo stared at my mother almost as shocked as me.

"Um what do you mean, where are we going?" my mother turned around.

"Don't question me Ava just go and hurry" I didn't question her so I walked to my room and got a bag and put a bunch of clothes in it. My favourite tops, Jeans,a couple of Jumpers and shoes. I walked into lucy's room to see her jumping on her bed.

"Ava,whats going on?" she jumped down onto the floor as I walked to her wardrobe and pulled out a armful of clothes.

"We're going on an adventure.It'll be fun trust me, mummy's coming as well." I pulled my bag over one shoulder and put Lucy's over my other shoulder.

"Is Leo and Nico going." I thought about it and I knew something wasn't right but if they were coming with us then I could sort of weasel it out of Leo.Notice I said Leo and not Nico cause he looks mysterious and tough.

"Yes they are." I take Lucy's's hand as she runs out of the room into the kitchen.She pulls her hand out of mine and runs at Leo. He spins round and lifts her in the air.I grab Lucy's and my Jackets from the hanger in the hall as my mother comes out of her room.

"MUm can you please tell me whats going on? where are we going?" I looked her in the eyes and there was a warm touch to them.

"You are going to a camp to keep you safe, trust me I am your mother and I will not let anything, not even a Minotaur, hurt you or your sister." she took my hands and whispered in my ear.

"You and your sister are not normal but I will tell you about this later."  at this she turned round and walked back into the kitchen.I stared after her and followed her into the kitchen. When they saw I was ready they stood up. We all walked downstairs and outside to the car.

"Mum won't Derek (lucy's dad's name) have a problem with us taking the car?" She opened the car boot and stuffed our bags in them.

"I don't know and I don't care,  Everyone in, it's a long drive." So we all squeezed into the car and drove to wherever we were going but in the back of my mind I knew that my life was going to change.


I am sooooooo sorry for not updating sooner I just have been struck with schoolwork and then Christmas I hope you all had a great christmas and Santa was good to you all and I hope to get another chapter up by the end of next month

Love to you all xoxoxo

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