Chapter 6 ~We reach camp half- blood and i get some answers

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In the front seat of the car I turn round to see Leo talking and making my sister laugh and Nico was just staring out the window.

"Ava can we talk?" I turned my gaze back to look at my mother as she turned onto a country road.

"Yes mother let's start with the fact that I got attacked by a mythical creature or the fact that we are running away again?" I stared out the window watching the trees and fields roll by

"Its about your father and Lucinda's mother."I looked at her because I had only ever been told his name and that he burned in a forest fire in Los Angeles but considering that there hasn't been a forest fire in twenty years I doubt that.

"Well then what is it cause I'm intrigued?" She looked in the mirror and indicated left. She turned left and the tree lines on either side grew thicker.

"They were Greek gods and goddesses,your father was Apollo and Lucy's was Athena." I just stared at her thinking this was a joke "that's why you got attacked by a Minotaur as now you know what you are you will get attacked more often but you are going to a camp that will prevent that." I just stared at her

"No. That's impossible. Am I being pranked or something come on you can't be serious." I stared at her.But then started to think back to the times I had predicted something to be true my friend going out with her friends brother, Maths results and the 90 % of the questions in the history test. But I mean those a little things right anyone could have predicted those.

"Ava listen its true" Nico leaned forward." I'm a son of Hades, Leo is a son of Hephaestus this is real how do you explain the minotaur." I looked out of the front screen window thinking.My mother pulled over at a large hill and stopped the car.

"We're here." My mother opened the door and walked to Lucy's door as Leo jumped out holding Lucy because she had fallen asleep.I got out and stood watching the top of the hill because I saw two silhouettes at the top walking down.As they got closer I saw it was girl and a really cute guy my mother handed Lucy to me.

"Here I can't take her past the tree." I looked at her but took Lucy and carried her resting her on my hip.I saw Leo and Nico start to talk to them.My mother gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you soon." She kissed Lucy's head and stroked her hair before getting in the car and driving off. I stared after the car not knowing what to do. Leo came over and slung his arm around me shoulders and guided me over to the two new people.

"Ava this is Ash and Conner.Ash is a daughter of Hecate and Conner is a son of Hermes." I smiled slightly.

"Hi I'm Ava and this is Lucy." Ash was tall with long Black hair in a ponytail with bright purple eyes. Conner had brown hair and blue eyes. His eyes had a mischevious glint in them.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Ash took my arm and lead me up the hill past a dragon under a tree guarding a gold shiny thingie. Leo must've saw me look at it because he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"That's peleus he guards the golden fleece." It amazed me that normal people didn't see the dragon. We walked past it and it raised its head but lay back down when it saw us. It kinda creeped me out but I looked down at the camp and it was amazing. Buildings made of marble a huge house and strawberry fields and the lake. It was beautiful.

"This is lame compared to your beauty" Leo whispered in my ear. I turned to look at him amd saw him grinnign . I looked over at Conner and he looked slightly angry. I didn't take notice but Nico and Ash were making out. I turned away and Leo started making kissy noises they sprung apart. I starts to laugh when they turned an walked down the hill to one of the cabins. I walked with Conner and Leo to the massive house by the lake. We walked in and Leo shouted "Chiron we got her." I looks over at Conner and he just shook his head.

"Wait for it" and then out of a room came a half horse-half man. My jaw dropped and I nearly dropped Lucy but I quickly readjusted my grip on her so she didn't fall.

"Hello child I am Chiron." I must've looked confused because Conner laughed at me I free at him and he quickly shut up.

"Come with me" Chiron gestured to the room on his right. I gave Lucy to Leo and wlk into what seemed like his office. He gestured to a seat and I sat in front of his desk. We sat and chatted about what my mother said and he told me to go to the Apollo cabin and talk to the head counselor after I took Lucy to the Athena cabin. When I walked out of his office I saw Leo talking to Conner. I walked over to Lucy who was lying on the couch and woke her up.

"Lucy darling I'm going to take you to someone who will look after you OK." She looked really confused but she nodded anyway. I took her hand and turned to the boys.

"You guys coming or what?" The laughed and followed me to the athena cabin. We got Lucy sorted and walked to the Apollo cabin when a girl came running out of the woods screaming.

"Help, HELP !!!!!" Then a massive dog burst out of the woods chasing her it stopped then headed straight for me.

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