Chapter 14 ~ I get a dam burger

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We saw a sign saying that the next town was 37 miles away. So I told the others to get some rest. Ash fell asleep with her head on Nico's shoulder and he fell asleep a couple of minutes later. Leo fell asleep with his head rested on the window. I thought Conner was asleep until he spoke.
" so how did you get away." I nearly swerved onto a tree. When he said that.
"Holy hephestus CONNER.!" He laughed as I looked in the rear view mirror to check the others were still asleep.
"Sorry Ava. I thought you knew I was awake. " He said sheepishly. I kept my eye on the road but looked at him ocasionally out the corner of my eye. It was cute how he looked at me when he thought I wasn't looking. My glance fell down to his hands. He was holding something in them. It looked like a little charm. Like my bow . But it couldn't be because I dropped it when I was carried off. He kept looking at me and then down at his hands then back at me.
"You dropped this when the bird took you." He held out the charm and it was my bow.
"Conner thank you soo much. " He was going to keep a hold of it until we stopped.
"So tell me about yourself." I was curious about him because I didn't know anything about him.
"Well I am seventeen. I have a twin brother Travis who is in love with Kate gardiner." He grimaced and hit his forehead with his hand "Sorry I wasn't meant to tell anyone." I smiled.
" It's ok I won't tell anyone." We continued talking until we drove into the next town. I parked in front of a cafe and turned off the engine. I took one last look at Conner before getting out. The others had woken up when I turned off the engine so they got our and we all walked into the cafe. It looked like a restaurant form the 1960' with the jukebox in the corner barstools and booths. A young blonde waitress in a pink and white polka dot dress and a bee hibe hairdo greeted us.
"Hi welcome to Benny's Cafe. How can I help you? " She seemed very bored. But then again who wouldn't be work in a dead end Jon on the middle of nowhere.
"Can we get a table for five please." She lead us to the table and we all sat down. I was at the window so I could keep an eye on the car. Leo was in front of me, Ash and Nico were beside Leo and Conner was beside me.Conner handed me my charm and I replaced it on my necklace.
"So what do we do now.we have no idea where we are. We are miles away from san Francisco. And we have no idea what we are walking into." Well Nico sure does like putting a damper on things.
"We try and get there as soon as possible, get the caduceus and get outta there." I picked up a menu and saw that they did burgers. I was thinking of getting one when Ash spoke up.
"Well how about we rest here get a hotel room for a night then get up early and go to San Francisco." I nodded along with Leo. I looked around the restaurant. There was a guy with blonde hair sitting on a bar stool he turned round and caught my eye. I looked down at the menu and when I looked up he was pulling a funny face. His green eyes were crossed and he was sticking his tongue out with his eyebrows raised. I looked back at the menu with a smile on my face.
"What's up with that smile Ava? "
Ash followed my eyes to the guy. She grimaced and stood up.
" I'm going to the bathroom. Ava you coming." I nodded and followed her to the bathroom. She was already in one of the stalls so I took the other on. After I did my business and flushed. I went out to wash my hands.
"So what's up with you and Conner? " Ash asked washing her hands.
"Nothing. We are just good friends." I tried to use the soap dispenser next to my sink but it was broke so I used another.
"No you're not. I see the way he looks at you. And the way you look at him. You can't deny that you have feelings for each other." I dried my hands on a piece of paper towel and faced her.
"Yes I have feelings but I'm not going to do anything about them." She started to interrupt me so I continued.
"At least until we finish the quest. That's more important than my feelings. The minute we get back I'll ask him out." She smiled at me but then frowned.
"What. What is it." She looks down then back up at me.
"Leo has feelings for you aswell" I felt my eye get bigger and my mouth drop a little.
"What. Leo! NO."
"YES" at this point I finally got the message.
"Is that what they were fighting abut earlier. On the train I mean.?"
She started to smile at me.
"You know for a daughter of Apollo you are not that smart. Of course Leo likes you and Conner knows this and vise versa that is why they were fighting." Finally all the pieces were falling into place.
"Come on. We better get back to them before they cause a food fight." We both walked out laughing. When we sat down we saw that the guys has ordered food without us.
"Thanks guys. Thank you sooo much for the food." Sarcasm was dripping from ash's words. Nico smiled sheepishly whilst Leo sat eating some french fries. The waitress came over and placed a cheeseburger in front of me and a pizza topped with mushrooms and pepperoni in front of Ash. She kissed Nico's cheek and tucked in. I looked at Leo and Conner and neither of them acknowledged the food.
"Thank you guys." I cut the burger in half and took a big bite.
"Mmm. This is a dam good burger." I groaned in satisfaction taking another bite. Everyone started to laugh at me as I finished eating that half of the burger. I started to eat the other half when the guy at the bar stood up and walked to the bathroom. He dropped something on the table in front of me but kept walking. I think everyone was too focused on their food to notice the interaction. I grabbed the paper before they noticed and opened it up. He walked back and sat at his seat looking at me.

I know what you are looking for. Hermes told me about your quest. I can help you to find it. Meet me out back and I will tell it you when I know.


I looked up and he nodded and walked out leaving a twenty dollar bill on the counter. I looked at Conner and the others and saw they they were to immersed in thier foods.
"I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon." I muttered standing up. Nico Ash, and Leo were to focused on eating thier food to even acknowledge me but I felt Conners eyes on my back as I walked out the restaurant. I walked round the back and saw the guy leaning again the wall.
"About time you showed up I was waiting for you for days." I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned against the wall beside him.
"Who are you?" He laughed at me and stood in front of me arms outstretched.
"I am Jake son of Hermes and Aphrodite. God of deception and obsession . At your service." He bowed at the waist keeping his eyes on mine.
"That's why the others were too focused on thier foods to see me leave. What do you want?" He laughed and started to pace in front of me.
"I want to give you something to help you get my father's caduceus." I frowned.
"Why I thought the gods didn't interfere in the life's of demigods."
He stopped pacing and stood right in front of me.
" I know but do not reject my help. You will need it." He clicked his fingers and a blackbird appeared.
"He is yours forever. Even when you die he will be at your grave. Waiting." When he finished talking the blackbird flew from his shoulder onto mine. I flinched as it's wings batted against my face.
"Farewell. Ava. I hope you will do well on this quest." Jake disappeared in a flash of red smoke. And the bird cawed and dug it's beak into my hair. I walked to the front of the restaurant and Ash and the others were standing in front of the car. Conner was the first to notice me and he ran up and hugged me.
"You just disappeared. We were worried. And whose bird is that?"
The bird (I've really got to come up with a name for him.) cawed indignantly. I told them all about Jake and they just stared at the bird. Then Nico started to laugh. He shook his head and got in the car. We all followed. I got in the passenger's side with Leo driving. Who's bright idea was that? Anyway we started the looong journey to San Francisco.


Ok so realllllllyyyy long chapter. Basically just a filler but things are going to pick up in the next chapter. I promise. I pictured William Moseley as Jake.
So what do you think Ava should call the bird.hmmmm let me know in the comments and you will get a dedication in the next chapter. Xoxo

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