Chapter 3 ~ I meet the Ghost King and the Flirt

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Sitting in English daydreaming while the class read the Great Gatsby. I glanced down and tried to read along but it soon turned into alphabet soup because of my dyslexia. The door opened and the talking increased.

"OMG,he's cute."....."who's Mr darkness over there?" I looked at the front and saw two new people talking to the teacher."right class this is Nico and Leo." I focused on them and Leo was dressed in a silly shirt that says 'Hey I'm a babe' and Nico was dressed in black which instantly screamed goth but not on him. On him it looked cool and mysterious. Leo was dressed normally which made him seem kinda cute.

Ugh did I just think that. What is wrong with me today.

"Right you can sit at the back right there next to Ava" the teacher pointed to the seats next to me and everyone looked at me. I slid further down in my seat as they came walking up the aisle. They took they're seats as the teacher turned round and started to talk about the themes of the Great Gatsby.

"Hey I'm leo." I turned to my left to see him leaning over. I smiled despite my cold exterior to everyone else.

"Hi, I'm Ava. Nice to meet you." I jotted down some notes as the teacher came over to explain to the boys what we were doing. I looked to the door and saw Willow standing there by the window signaling at me. I couldn't see what she was saying.

"What?" I mouthed. she pointed to Nico and Leo then made the heart symbol with her hands. I flapped my hands at her motioning for her to go away.

"Miss Ava is there a problem?" the teacher turned to me.

"um,no, no problem there was a" I tried to make it up on the spot.

"Alright then but please don't disturb the class again." I nodded as he went to write on the board. I looked back at the door and Willow was gone. I thumped my head on my desk. I heard Leo chuckle. I waved my hand at him and he laughed even harder. I looked up to see Nico imitating me. The bell rang so I had no time to plan my revenge. I stood up and packed my stuff as Tiffany came over to Leo and Nico and started talking to them so I left without being noticed. I walked into the courtyard and sat down at the bench where Willow and Adam meet up with me. They sat down and started talking.

"No, they don't, I know them and they wouldn't be here without good reason." Willow argued at Adam as he rolled his eyes.

"Right I don't know what you are arguing about but quit it." I snapped feeling tired and almost falling asleep. I put my head on the bench.

"Here they come." I heard Adam say. I looked up and saw Nico and Leo walk over.

"Hey Adam,Willow and Ava." Nico said as he sat down next to Adam and Leo sat next to me.

"Ugh." I groaned this is going to be a looooong day.


Sorry its short but i have had writers block and sorry its been a while.

Lots more to come

All characters that have appeared so far  go to Rick Riordan except Ava,Willow,Adam and Lexis

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