Chapter 10 ~ The Ball and a Strange Visitor

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Me and Ash walked into the pavilion and It looked amazing streamers hung from the trees, a stage was set up for the Apollo kids to sing and play their instruments. There was a table by the stage with lots of delicious foods and drinks. Me and Ash weren't the only ones there a couple of people were sitting on several benches dotted about. We unlinked arms as she saw Nico lounging against a tree watching her. Creepy I know but it was sweet. I walked over to the drinks table and poured a cup of the tropical punch and sipped it going to sit down on a bench when someone covered my eyes.
"Guess who?" I rolled my eyes, and turned my head to see Leo behind me in a... tuxedo? I guess they go all out for these Balls. He just stared at me so I cleared my throat a little to get him to talk.
"Wow Ava you look.. Beautiful." I laughed at this he seemed speechless for once. The pavilion stared to get busier as more campers came in and a lot were dancing to the Apollo kids music. I saw Piper dancing with a blonde haired guy who must be Jason.
I saw Ash dancing with Nico so I put down my drink and gabbed Leo's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. He placed his hand on my waist and held my other as we slow danced. Leo was talking about the camp how last year he helped save it but he had to sacrifice himself but came back thanks to a special potion and how he found what he thought was the love of his life but she died in a freak accident. I felt sorry for him. We got talking about or lives what our favourite colours are and favourite food and simple things like that whilst dancing. Then he kissed me. It was slow and sweet but there were no sparks he pulled back and looked into my eyes. I looked into his which had a mischievous glint in them as he pushed a stray hair behind my ear. And then Lucy came rushing over in a little pink dress with a dark pink bow in her hair which was down and curly.
"Leo may I dance with you." Leo took her hand and led her onto the dance floor still looking at me. I went to get a drink when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a tree so I started to struggle.
"Hey Ava it's me. It's Conner." I stopped struggling at his voice and relaxed.
"What the Hades I could've killed you or something!" He chuckled at that and released my arms but holding my wrists.
"Like you could've killed me. I'm invincible. And you couldn't have killed me without your bow." He held up his hand and he had my necklace in it.
"What,how?" I thought it was a copy so I felt around my neck and sure enough he had it. He laughed.
"Son of Hermes ,remember God of Thievery." I laughed along with him. Then when he turned me round I got confused.
"What are you doing?" He held up the necklace.
"Putting his back where it belongs." He pushed my hair to the side and put my necklace back on. He turned me round and looked into my eyes . God it's Leo all over again. Then he started to lean into me and I leaned into him. As we met I was met with fireworks ALOT different than Leo's. It was slow but passionate. I pulled away and looked at the ground. First Leo kisses me then Conner. I felt bad even though Leo and I weren't a couple I still felt bad. I looked up at Conner to see him look really shocked.
"Ava I am soo sorry I don't know why I did that.. Please you have to believe me I didn't know what I was doing." He looked like he was going to cry.
"It's fine Conner let's just..forget it happened ok." I pulled Conners hands off of my wrists and walked back to the drinks table. Leo came running up as I was taking a big sip of the punch.
"Hey your sister is so cute. She's now dancing with Percy. That's Annabeths boyfriend. Son of Posideon you know the one who saved the camp a billion times." He started to babble so I put my hand over his mouth.
"I know who he is you told me earlier." We started to laugh and the a bright white light appeared on the stage. The Apollo kids leapt off the stage as everyone shielded their eyes whilst pulling it their weapons. Leo shielded me pulling out a rubber chicken from his pocket? I whispered
Stiléto and my dagger appeared in my hand. The bright light dimmed to reveal a nice-ish looking guy. I turned around and saw that percy and Annabethbehind me holding hands but looking kinda uncomfortable. I turned back around to the guy as he and Chiron conversed.
" that's Hermes. Hes the God of thieves and messages." Leo whispered into my ear. Then Chiron and Hermes turned back to the campers and Hermes looked out at the campers and looked around as if he was looking for someone. My suspicions were correct when his eyes landed on my own and it seemed like he was looking into my soul. I stared right back at him and he laughed little. He turned to Chiron and whispered in his ear.
"Campers please return to your cabins the Ball is over, except for Mr DiAngelo, Miss Jones, Mr Valdez, Mr Stoll and Miss Ash. " all the campers walked away to their cabins. It was just me,Ash and the others.
"Campers Hermes has a quest for you's do not let him down." Chiron said looking at us sternly.
"But sir surely Percy and Annabeth would be a better pick than us because we haven't even been on a quest before." I saw where Ash was coming from but I saw where Hermes was coming from. He picked us because whatever this quest is we will have less trouble because less people and monsters will know us and that gives us a slight edge.
"Exactly what Avery said. I need you because you are not as known as Percy and the others are so you will be more discrete." My face flushed as i realised I said that out loud.
" What is the quest then?." Conner said through gritted treat.
"I need you five to get me back something that has been taken from me." I looked over and saw Nico and Ash exchange a look.
"What is it that you need us to get?" Chiron had left at this point.
"That's the thing I cannot tell you." My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
"Wait let me get this want us to get you something but you can't tell us what." I started to laugh a little.
"You are correct." Hermes stated with a tiny grimace that no one else saw.
"Then it is impossible we cannot find an object if we do not know what it is." Nico was right about that.
"Fine I'll tell you but you mustn't tell anyone what it is." We all nodded and Hermes came closer to us.
"It is my symbol of power. Like zeus has his lightning bolt and Posideon has his Trident. Mine is my Caduceus. It has been stolen from me and I would like to know who stole it and why."
We all exchanged looks. It wasn't as if we could say no but we weren't qualified enough to do this.
"We'll do it." We all said at rhe same time as one another. I guess we do know one another well enough.
"The last time I had it I was in a post office in San Francisco on 170 O'Farrell St in Macy's.Good luck. You'll need it." Was the last thing he muttered before flashing away. We all shielded our eyes and when the light died down we all just looked at one another. My eye caught Conners and he smiled at me.
"Looks like we'll be spending more time together." Ash said before walking away with Nico to their cabins to pack and get some sleep before we left.
"We'll meet at Thalias pine tree in the morning at dawn." We all dispersed to our cabins. When I got thier I packed as quietly as I could so I didn't wake anyone up. I sat and looked at Willow wondering if she were here would she be coming with us. I picked up a pen and paper and started to write a note to lucy.

I have to leave to go somewhere for one of the gods. I will be back as soon as I can I promise. You behave Annabeth is in charge ok you do as she says and look after willow for me. I love you and is will come back. I couldn't ask for a better sister than you.

Your big sister Ava.xoxo

P.s the cookies are in the jar on top of my wardrobe at home. Sorry i hid them from you

I found some tape and taped it to the pot and set it with my stuff to give it to lucy before I left. I crawled jnto my bed and tried to get some sleep. But as i started to slip into a deep sleep I heard voices right beside me.i opened my eyes a little to see two shadowy figures above me.
"Brother what are you doing? You know zeus will have a fit if he knows you are here. And what of the other campers they might wake..." the girls voice cut off as the guys hand went over her mouth.
"Easy sister I know what I am doing I just have to give her this." He put something in my bag and the disappeared quietly. The girl sighed then SHE put something beside my bag.
"I hope this serves you well."
She then disappeared. I closed my eyes and thought I'll see what they put in my bag in the morning. And then I felt asleep.

So a very looooong chapter. Who do you think stole Hermes caduceus. And who are the shadowy figures.
I guess you'll find out soon.
Oh and all the characters a except Ash Lucy and Ava belong to Rick Riordan
Ash actually belongs to the amazing author @jennyreid28
Check out ash's back story on her page it's awesome. That is what she is wearing to the dance at the top or side of the page.
Oh and the song belongs to Sleeping at last.

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